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Chapter 73

    He Changzhou's heart throbbed violently.

    In his eyes, and in the eyes of most people, their emperor was rarely really angry. Even if he is angry, he will not vent his anger on the servants around him like many high-ranking people. He will find the instigator, tell you with a serious face, I am angry with you, what did you do to make me angry, and speak clearly and clearly.

    By coincidence, He Changzhou made him angry several times, making him angry like an inflated puffer fish, but he would still talk to him, would personally come to the gate of the palace in the middle of the night, and give him a hug before a long journey, and would When he returned from a long trip, he suppressed his anger, gave him the bed to rest, and even baked for him.

    If Zhao Qi is now the same as in the past, telling him angrily that I am angry, he will definitely stick to him and coax him like in the past, saying that the emperor should not be angry, and I will take you to eat delicious food.

    But he was not angry, his eyes were not bright at all, he forced a smile and told him that I was indeed a little angry.

    He Changzhou suddenly became speechless, unable to say a word of comfort. He stood up and wanted to lend his shoulder to Zhao Qi, but Zhao Qi hid for a while, and said very tiredly: "Don't take advantage of me at this time."

    He Changzhou denied it, "I don't."

    Zhao Qi Smiled, "Actually, I also know that the emperor is not like an emperor. You are not afraid of me. Civil and military officials respect me on the surface, but in their hearts they only regard me as a display. It doesn't matter," he shrugged, " Anyway, I am not expected to be an emperor, as long as you make the Dajing country peaceful and peaceful, I will be fine as a salted fish that only eats and sleeps. But..."

     Zhao Xi paused, his eyes turned slightly red, "You must at least treat me well. At least respect, right? You can't say that you can hug if you want, kiss if you want, kiss if you want..." Sleep if you want to sleep.

    He Changzhou's Adam's apple rolled, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Your Majesty, don't say that. I kissed without thinking about it. I thought about it for a long time before I kissed that one."

    Normally, Zhao Qi would probably sarcastically say, "Then I will kiss you." Thank you", but now looking at He Changzhou who was at a loss and hesitated to speak, he didn't bother to say anything.

    He considers himself an open-minded and optimistic person, and he can find a way to make complaints about any aggrieved things, and he will feel much better when he vomits. But he didn't even have the strength to complain. Could this be the legendary prenatal depression?

    Hahaha, isn't he still complaining?

    Zhao Qi laughed lightly, his eyes were inexplicably sore with a smile. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, "I'm sleepy and want to sleep."

    He Changzhou immediately said, "I'll sleep with the emperor."

    Zhao Qi looked at him.

    "...I mean, I'll just stay by the emperor's side and do nothing."

    "But I just want to be alone now," Zhao Qi said lightly, "I don't feel comfortable with someone around."

    He Changzhou hesitated for a moment , "Okay. Then I'll wait outside the door for the emperor to wake up."

    "Whatever you want." After Zhao Qi finished speaking, he turned and went to bed, put the quilt on his head, and closed his eyes.

    He Changzhou looked at him for a long time, then walked away lightly, and closed the door for him.

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