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Chapter 84

    Back in the palace, Zhao Qi's "maternity leave" is over.

    He got up early in the morning after a long absence, yawned and asked Jiang Dehai to put on the dragon robe for himself, and then took tea from Xiaosongzi to rinse his mouth. Looking back, Xiao Shiqing was still lying on the dragon bed.

    Zhao Qi:? ? ?

    "Why can't I get up, brother?"

    "Why should I get up?" Xiao Shiqing lay on the bed sideways, looked at him with his head propped up, with a smile on his lips, "Don't forget, Your Majesty, I am recuperating in the mansion right now."

    Zhao Qi thought of the bed Feeling comfortable in the house, he said quietly: "So I have to get up early to go to court, and my brother can sleep until the sun is three poles?"

    Xiao Shiqing nodded, and said lazily: "Yes."

    At this moment, Zhao Xi had a feeling that he was taking care of the little boy. .

    "Then go to bed, brother," Zhao Xi said, "I'll come to see you again."

    Xiao Shiqing smiled flirtatiously and half-truthfully, and said: "Well, I'll wait for you on the bed."

    Zhao Qi asked before leaving: "Mengmeng is awake!" Is it?"

    Jiang Dehai said: "Back to the emperor, the little prince just woke up and just finished feeding."

    Zhao Qi sighed, "It's good to be a baby."

    This is the first time Zhao Qi went to bed without Xiao Shiqing's company. Chao, actually a little nervous. He sat condescendingly on the dragon chair, and looked through the crown at the group of ministers bowing to him—the leader was no longer Xiao Shiqing, but his grandfather Wen Guogong.

    Besides that, many familiar faces are gone, replaced by faces of high-spirited youth. Among them, the most eye-catching one is Xu Qiu, the new Minister of Criminal Justice. His appearance is still the ugliest among all the officials, but in terms of momentum, he is far better than the old officials who have been in high positions for a long time.

     Thinking that this person was raised by himself, Zhao Qi felt a faint sense of pride. He remembered what Xiao Shiqing once said, as a king, it is not necessary to know the art of war and tactics, but being able to recognize and employ people correctly is the greatest wealth.

    Zhao Qi's eyes flicked over the officials one by one. After a big cleansing, the imperial court was completely reborn. Although it was painful, it seemed to be reborn. However, he vaguely felt that something was missing. He thought about it, and found that what was missing was a gaze fixed on him - He Changzhou was not there.

    Zhao Qi frowned, suppressed his doubts, and listened intently to the minister's statement.

    Half a year before the early court, there was another bloodbath, and there were countless things to discuss. Zhao Qi thought it would be difficult for him to cope without Xiao Shiqing, but he didn't expect him to be much more powerful than he imagined. Listen first, then discuss, and finally make a decision, and keep the decision if you can't, or go back and ask the child's father. The early court was carried out in an orderly manner, and Zhao Qi was quite satisfied with his performance. It seems that he and Xiao Shiqing have been together for so long, and they have learned something subtly.

    The morning court lasted until noon, Zhao Qi was tired and hungry, so he forced himself to listen to Xu Qiu's eloquence in the hall. At this time Jiang Dehai stepped forward and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the prime minister has prepared food and wine, please go back to Yonghua Palace for lunch."

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