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Chapter 64

    Zhao Qiao was brought in, and before he could see the scene clearly, Zhao Qi hugged him like a bear.

    Zhao Qi patted Zhao Qiao's back frantically, "Why the hell are you here!" You can be an uncle if you wait a little later, you know that!

    Zhao Qiao was flattered by the enthusiasm that Zhao Qi had never experienced before, "Your Majesty, I miss you so much, the kind I

    always think about when I eat and sleep!" Zhao Qiao is not exaggerating, he really thinks about you all the time. Looking at Zhao Qi, even when he and his concubine were turned into red waves, he wanted to hurry up so as not to delay the important event of the emperor.

    "Where's Dongying's genius doctor?" Zhao Qi's face was full of desire to survive, and he couldn't wait to ask, "Where is he?"

    Zhao Qiao said, "Just waiting outside."

    "Very good, you can go." Zhao Qi asked He slapped Zhao Qiao out, "Please come in the genius doctor!"

    As soon as he saw the Dongying genius doctor, Zhao Qi felt a mysterious and pretentious aura rushing towards him - the

    genius doctor was wearing a strange black costume, wearing a black The mask (?), only revealing a pair of dark eyes, can not tell the age and appearance. Zhao Qi always felt that he was going to put his palms together in the next moment, put up two fingers, perform a ninja invisibility technique, and then disappear with a "poof".

    Zhao Qi hesitated for a while, looked down, and saw that the genius doctor's chest was flat, so he was sure that he was a man.

    The genius doctor bowed deeply to Zhao Qi, without any fear of meeting the emperor for the first time, "Mei Chuan, a grass-roots man, see the emperor."

    Zhao Qi helped Mei Chuan up himself, and said affectionately, "It turns out that it is Mei Chuan, I have been waiting for you for a long time. Come on, take a look at my belly." Zhao Qi took the initiative to lift up his clothes, and showed his belly to Mei Chuan.

    Mei Chuan was surprised that the pregnant one turned out to be the Son of Heaven, but he knew what to ask and what not to ask, and he didn't talk nonsense. He took a pulse test and came to the conclusion: "It's a girl."

    Zhao Qi: "???"

    Mei Chuan: "Your Majesty doesn't know something. Caomin has a talent that can accurately tell whether a pregnant woman's fetus is male or female."

    Zhao Qi: "Your talent doesn't seem to be very useful." But it's enough to set up a stall. fortune telling.

    Xiao Songzi seemed to feel a little pity: "The first child is a princess..."

    "What's wrong with the princess, I really like girls, a cute little princess... wait a minute," Zhao Qi realized that he was almost crushed by them. I got off track , so I quickly got back to the topic, "I didn't ask you to read this. Dr. Mei, can you take out the baby in my belly?"

    Mei Chuan said: "The emperor is nearly four months pregnant, which is equivalent to five months of a pregnant woman. , the fetus has formed, and in April, the little princess will be born—Your Majesty, you'd better think about it carefully."

    The dragon egg kicked in his stomach again, Zhao Qi was stunned, and slowly sat on the chair.

    At this moment, he clearly realized that there was a little life in his body, growing up bit by bit. He... No, it's her, she may have inherited half of his genes, just like what He Changzhou said, she may look very similar to him, a diminutive version of Zhao Qi. To obliterate a "little Zhao Qi", he...

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