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Chapter 41

    Jiang Dehai was guarding the door, when he suddenly saw Xiaosongzi thrown out with his pen, he was shocked, "What's wrong! Where's the emperor?!"

    Xiaosongzi struggled to get up, panting slightly: "He Xiao The general came late at night without invitation, and when he saw that the emperor was drunk, he threw the little one out without any explanation! Father-in-law, is Little General He planning to assassinate the emperor?"

    Jiang Dehai felt relieved when he heard this, "General He is very kind to the emperor . Loyal and loyal, he will definitely not harm the emperor. The most serious consequence is that the emperor will be forced to sleep by..." once again.

    Xiao Songzi panicked and said: "Then what should we do, we can't leave the emperor alone in the bedroom."

    Jiang Dehai thought for a while, put his ear to the door, with a solemn expression.

    Xiao Songzi: "Eunuch?" "

    Hush— " Xiao Songzi

    was quiet for a while, and asked, "What did you hear?"

    Jiang Dehai frowned, "Nothing happened." He tried to push the door and found that It has been locked from the inside, "Oh no! Could it be that the two of you are already on the dragon bed?"

    Xiao Songzi was dumbfounded, "Then is the emperor willing to be served by General He?"



    In order to save the master , Jiang Dehai made up his mind, "Go and invite the Prime Minister."

    Xiao Shiqing rarely went back to the Prime Minister's Mansion today, and Xiao's mother ordered someone to stew a bowl of white fungus and lotus seed soup, and delivered it to him in person.

    After Xiao Shiqing finished drinking the soup, he saw Xiao's mother looking at him hesitantly, and said: "Mother has something to say."

    Xiao's mother thought about it and said: "The girl you brought home from the Spring Wind Pavilion last time..."

    Xiao Shiqing As if thinking of something, she smiled slightly, "What's the matter with him."

    "How is she recently?"

    "Very good." Xiao Shiqing said, "I didn't expect my mother to remember him."

    Mother Xiao squinted at her son, "Why don't you remember? You are not too young, and I have never seen other girls beside you except that girl. In my opinion, if you really like her, you can take her to the mansion. Come here, after all, you don’t have a regular wife or concubine now, and I feel more at ease if you have a caring person who will serve you by your side.”

    Xiao Shiqing said lightly: “It’s okay, he lives in my house, and I can see him often.”

    Mother Xiao said earnestly: "Since it is common, is there any movement in her stomach?" Xiao

    Shiqing: "...No." There

    was a trace of disappointment on Xiao's mother's face, and she soon cheered up again: "I will ask Mother Shen to conceive in the palace later." I'll give you the prescription, you..."

    Xiao Shiqing said decisively: "He won't give birth."

    "Why not?" Mother Xiao didn't quite understand, "Although she was not born well, if she can give birth to a child for the Xiao family It’s okay to help her to be a concubine in the future!”

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