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Chapter 33

    After Zhao Qi came out of the bath, his whole body felt much better, and his expression changed from "The world is not worth it" to "I want revenge", but the eye circles were still red, and when he spoke, he also had a nasal voice. He still looked a bit pitiful .

    He asked everyone else to retreat, leaving only Jiang Dehai. The master and servant closed the doors and windows tightly, trying to think seriously, analyze calmly, and find out the real culprit.

    "Who sent me back last night?" Zhao Qi asked.

    Zhao Qi's hair was still wet, and Jiang Dehai helped him wipe his hair and said,

    "Go back to the emperor, I don't know." "I don't know?

    " With a wry smile, he said: "The emperor has been staying in the Haiyan Palace for a while, and all the servants who served the emperor went there. Last night, the servants waited and waited for the emperor, and after several searches, they finally found the emperor in the Yonghua Palace.

    Zhao Qi frowned, and gradually remembered . He promised Rong Tang that he would go back to live in Yonghua Palace, but he forgot to tell Jiang Dehai. "Then what was I doing when you found me?"

    "The emperor was asleep. The slave saw that the emperor was sleeping soundly, so he didn't dare to wake him up."

    He had such a chaotic life last night, he must have slept soundly. What happened in the second half of the night, that is to say, when Jiang Dehai found him, he was already... defiled by the big bastard!

    Zhao Qi choked at the thought of this. He took a deep breath and asked, "When did you find me?"

    Jiang Dehai recalled, "Just after the ugly time. Your Majesty, do you want the maids and eunuchs from Xuanyonghua Palace to come and ask questions? They should know who sent you off." Your Majesty is back."

    Zhao Qi nodded, "Find someone with a tight mouth."

    "Slave will go now."

    Soon, Jiang Dehai brought an eunuch named Xiaosongzi, who is said to have a full mouth. It is the tightest in the palace and down, so it has such a name.

    Xiao Songzi knelt in front of Zhao Qi, and said: "Back to the emperor, before the palace banquet yesterday, Mr. Rong said that today is the Longevity Festival, so that the servants don't have to serve on duty. The servants don't know that the emperor will come, so they will come early." I went back to the prison yard to rest."

    Zhao Qi stared at him, "So you don't know who sent me back?"

    Xiao Songzi nodded, "Go back to the emperor, yes."

    Jiang Dehai doubted: "Your Majesty, Why did Mr. Rong send all the eunuchs and maids away so gracefully? Is there any trick in this?"

    Xiao Songzi said: "Your Majesty, Mr. Rong always likes to be quiet. Not only last night, he often ordered all the servants to retreat, Let him stay alone."

    Jiang Dehai: "Your Majesty, my servant, please ask Mr. Rong to ask for clarification?"

    Zhao Qi raised his hand, "Wait a minute, I will take a thread."

    All the maids and eunuchs in Yonghua Palace were absent last night . , he remembered that Rong Tang left the meeting early. If Rong Tang returned to Yonghua Palace after he arrived, then there was a period of time when there were only him and the big bastard in the whole Yonghua Palace? If Rong Tang came back before him, then he should know who sent him back, maybe he saw something. There is another possibility that Rong Tang is...

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