A Costume

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"You really wanna be a hero?" Sans shrugged. "i wanna be the guy that does some real good in the world." He looked down at the paper. He and Shota were trying to work on his costume over their weekend break, Sans settled comfortably in Shota's lap. "Ok then. So what are you thinking of for your costume? We can start there." Sans 'quirk' was registered as Karmatic Retribution, a complex, multistep 'quirk' whose attacks turned karma against its opponent. In other words, however much that person harmed, was how much they were hurt back. Unfortunately Sans actually needed to put his magic down as a quirk since monsters were supposed to be extinct. They didn't believe he was actually a monster. "i want it to be as close to my outfit as usual. maybe darker colors since i'll be working with you." Sans nudged Shota who smiled down at him with a raised brow. "Oh? Are you now?" Sans chuckled as he looked up at Shota. "i hope so. you could always use for some backup, buddy."


"i'm thinking longer, like to my ankles or something. would look kinda cool." Sans took the pencil from Shota and erased the waistline to make it longer. "Wanna add any designs to the uniform while your at it? And are you sure you want the soles of your boots to be pink?" Shota mused as Sans continued to critique is own hero costume, which per request was being made to fit his original outfit quite nicely. Instead of shorts, it was pants with black boots and pink soles. The coat was going to be blue, the hood a bit darker than the rest which, as Sans was doing now, was going to fall down to his ankles. "i don't know what to do for designs. i like things simple." Sans replied with a shrug, handing the pencil back to Shota. "I'll keep it simple then. Monster souls are upside down and white, right?" Sans nodded, curious as to what Shota would do. In between his shoulder blades at the back of the coat, Shota drew in a monster soul. Underneath it in black, he wrote in Kanji. "what's that mean?" Sans asked. Shota chuckled. "It's your namesake, Judge." Sans smirked. "beautiful. if we're doing that, might as well add this." Sans wrote KR on either side of the front of his jacket.


"Submit it?" Sans sipped his morning coffee as he leaned against the counter. "yeeeep, my hero license also came in today." Sans flashed his card like a badge, making his boyfriend role his eyes. "Well then, now that the work is done, I think it's about time for a date."
"couples do this a lot, don't they." Shota set his mug in the sink and picked Sans up. "That they do, Sansy." He carried Sans to the car and put him down so he could hop in. "where to this time?" Sans questioned. They'd been on a few dates since they started dating. "I'm thinking... Ashikaga Flower Park." Sans hummed. "sounds nice, beautiful." Shota chuckled. "You have no idea Sans. I think you'll love it." Sans didn't doubt it for a second. Shota knew a lot of very jaw dropping places that almost rivaled Waterfall's beauty. Between the sight seeing boat on Tenyu river, the Umeda Sky building, Sakurajima, they'd been all around. The local places were really nice too, more his speed. He knew he would love this flower park.


And he did. He very much did. The Sakura blossoms were gorgeous as they hung above the couple. The enjoyed walking (Shota did the walking) around and viewing the sights. The got some mochi while overlooking a pond of beautiful lilies. It was there that Sans made his first move. Shota had been leading before now, respecting Sans boundries, not moving too fast. Though Sans suspected that Shota also preferred the pace they were going. He tightened his grip on his boyfriends hand and looked to the human male that he'd fell for. Shota looked back at him, giving him one of his adorable, small smiles that only he ever really got to see. He hid his real smile from everyone but him, Sans couldn't fathom why. He liked Shota's smile. Sans leaned in towards that dashing smile and raised his head up so his teeth would connect with it. For a moment, Shota was shocked. He wasn't expecting Sans to make a move, given he'd never done stuff like this before. He certainly didn't dislike it though as he wrapped an arm around Sans to pull him a little closer and kiss back. When Sans pulled away, they were grinning at each other, a faint blush on both their faces.


The week started anew and finals were in full swing. Sans wasn't one of the teachers in the exams, but he certainly enjoyed watching Shota give Shoto and Momo a run for their money in his new suit. Shota had even surprised him with black leather gloves to further hid himself as the only Skeleton in existence that anyone knew of. It was best that the only awake monster hide his hero identity for now. Those not on the battlefield were pretty impressed with Sans uniform. Sans was happy with it too. The final touches really were nice, the suit was cozy, and he was hard to identify. Just his style as a new kind of Judge. One that brought justice without death. One that Papyrus could be proud of. "Ribbit, who are you?" Sans blinked and looked away upon hearing Tsu. "ah, hey kiddo. nice match today, you did well." Tsu tilted her head. "Mr. Sans..?" Sans chuckled and pulled down his hood. "heh, yup! pretty cool, eh?" Tsu's eyes lit up. "Really cool, ribbit! Are you going pro, Mr. Sans?" He nodded, grinning. "yeah, i'll finally be able to fully help you in your hero training and your souls in said training, this is a great opportunity." Sans was excited to finally, truly begin his teaching career.

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