Apparently This is a Sexuality Reveal Now-

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Was he dating? Did this mean Shota and him were together now? Sans didn't know and he couldn't get it out of his head. Shota said he could look at his soul, but did that actually mean anything? Why was Sans thinking so hard on this? Nothing changed, dating was still a bad idea... but there was no resets. No child for him to kill over and over. He was free. And Shota was a pro hero. He wasn't a killer but he'd probably done his fair share of questionable things to survive in his line of work. So... maybe he could actually try the whole... dating gig...? Sans sighed and looked at the clock. Yet another all-nighter complete and Sans didn't feel the least bit tired as he usually did. This was really stuck to him, huh? Sans started cleaning up his school work. He went to the kitchen where Shota offered him coffee. "th-thanks." Dammit Sans, at least keep your composure! Shota looked at Sans in amusement. Oh stars, he could see right through his mask, couldn't he?! Sans tried to hide his face with coffee.


Kids knew dating, right? Maybe one of the students could give him dating advise? He just had to stay awake for the usual faculty meeting. It was no big. Except that he sat next to Shota- "stop acting like a lovesick teenager!" Sans scolded himself. "nothing has changed, it's just fine." He liked Shota for a little while now and had hide it pretty well before. Just because Shota was aware of said attraction now, didn't mean anything, right? It was fine, he could ask the kids before class and figure out this crush, love, whatever the hell this was called thing. Sans took a deep breath and walked in with his usual shuffling gait. It was fine, he was good. Relax. "morning." See? All good. "Good morning Sans!" Nezu, among other teachers, greeted. Sans slipped into the seat beside Shota. He snuck a glance at the pro. He didn't seem to be paying attention, though Sans knew better. Sans refocused on the announcements. Stars, what would Papyrus think if Sans actually got a boyfriend? It was funny, what you remembered when you are separated from your family for a long time. Sans distinctly remembered a bet Papyrus, Undyne, and Alphys made on Sans sexual preference. Nobody ever did figure it out.


"hey mina." The pinkette looked at Sans and smiled. "Oh Sans Sensei! I feel like it's been forever! Is there something I can do for you?" Sans grinned back. "yeah, it does. and i could use some advice on something.." She bounced a bit in excitement. "Oh do tell! I'll be happy to help!" She leaned forward eagerly. Sans leaned back, rolling his pinpricks. "do you have advice for dating and stuff? i'm trying to get back in the game, but, heh... i don't know how." Mina blinked at Sans before bursting into giggles. "Of course I can! Who's the lucky someone?!" Sans shrugged. "it's... uh, complicated." Mina didn't believe him for a second but dragged the Skeleton off anyway. "Well the first thing you need to know is-" Sans had a crush once. Long before the resets. He never really had one until they got close as friends. That's how Sans realized he was Demisexual. Grillby had shut down Sans attempts immediately, but they had stayed good friends either way. He missed Grillby. But this was good. Moving on. And Shota's reaction had been pretty positive. He sincerely hoped Mina's advice would work.


"just hold still, ojiro, this might feel a little weird." Sans had to switch gears to science mood at lunch. First soul to study? Ojiro Mashirao's Mutant type Soul. Nezu and All Might wanted to be there to see how a soul when Sans mentioned it that morning so they were present. As was Shota which nearly threw Sans off again, but his focus had quickly shifted to Ojiro's Justice soul. Sans hummed as he started writing down his observations. The pattern was almost grizzled by nature which Sans didn't think was possible for a soul, then again, he was in a superhuman world. It kinda worked in an odd sense. "justice suits you, kid. i'm almost wondering if i should look at a couple more mutant type souls and see if their patterns match yours..." Sans was saying out loud. He looked at the soul from all the angles he could, detailing any sort of abnormalities, including but not limited to fractures, cracks, and chips. Lucky for him though, his soul was bright and healthy. He couldn't take samples, that would only cause him harm, but this was a great start as Sans put his soul back. "thank you for your time, ojiro."


Shota stepped up and noticed Sans tense up, slightest hue of blue barely visible in his cheekbones. He sucked at hiding it, then again, it did take a while for Shota to learn. Sans had to literally say it, even if it was accidental. Shota hadn't really realized he felt the same until Sans had said it. Shota was a proud sapiosexual. It wasn't the physical appearance that mattered, but the intelligence he was attracted to and Sans... that Skeleton had a mind like no other. He came off as average, but being around Sans as long as he had, he knew Sans was highly intelligent with interests that were nothing to scoff at. "I wasn't joking when I said you could use my soul for your study." Sans gulped. "ok... just... hold still then. your soul is an emitter type, right?" Shota nodded as he felt a strange tingling pressure and a heart with varying shades of red came out. Sans eyelights distinguished from his eyes. "d-determination..." He whispered hoarsely. "Sans, are you-" He vanished as Shota's soul returned to him. "Sans?!" Shota had no clue what just happened.

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