Tag, You're It

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Sans finally got to play his part in training the students, that being a simple game of tag with Izuku while the others were trained by the Pussy Cats. "Come on kid, just one touch." Sans encouraged. "I'm trying!" The kid lunged at him only for Sans to evade with a shortcut. "i know you can go faster then that." Izuku used the trees around them to his advantage, bouncing around with his Shoot Style. Sans response? He took a shortcut ten feet away. "better. but can you keep up?" The Skeleton lead Izuku away from the trees and towards the mountain. "when you reach the top, you can have a free shot without me shortcutting off." He took a shortcut up a small ways with Izuku right behind him. This is how they both found Kota. "hey kiddo, whatcha doing all the way up here?" Sans asked in confusion. "That's none of your beeswax you dumb hero." Sans whistled. "tough words for a squirt like you." Izuku came up. "Mind if I try with him?" Sans shrugged. "have at it. succeed and i'll give you two free shots at me." Sans gave them some room to talk.


Izuku missed his shot, which Sans knew he would. Quirk or not, he was used to dunking brats. Shota had to teach the failures of the exams which left Sans to his own devices until tomorrow. He could go in and help, but he figured Vlad King was plenty help. He coul try shortcutting to the school, check on Pap and the others, but that was a lot of magic. If he did that, he probably wouldn't be able to train Izuku tomorrow. Besides, he was getting that feeling that he was going to need his magic... for something important. He decided to do some journeling before bed. He'd been writing in wingdings, kanji, and english for practice and so his friends could read it and get a lay of the new world order. This time he wrote about the Pussy Cats and about quirks had to be trained much like magic which made sense if that had been magic once upon a time ago. Sans was a bit curious as to its stages of evolution but that was something for another time. For now... he was ready to get some sleep. He hoped Shota would join him in bed soon.


Day number three. It was once more a game of tag with Izuku losing pretty damn badly. Sans continued to push him on though with encouragement and incentive to attack. He avoided the woods to make it a little more difficult for Izuku, test his problem solving skills as he tried to tag the Skeleton. Unfortunately for him, Sans cut the day short and had him join Vlad as he sensed a very familiar soul in the area at the base. "So your Sans brother huh? He talks about you all the time, Papyrus. He'll be extremely happy when he gets back from training." Papyrus laughed his loud confident laugh that sent Sans into tears. "NYEH HEH HEH, MY BROTHER? TRAINING?" Shota quirked a brow, but didn't have time to question it as Sans blue magicked Papyrus into a hug. "Stars bro, your here! your actually here!" It took Papyrus only a moment to understand what was happening. "SANS!" He felt himself get crushed back. He didn't mind in the least though. "i've got so much to catch you up on bro, you have no idea.."
"THE SMALL ANIMAL TOLD ME A LOT." Papyrus said helpfully.


Sans and Papyrus went inside as Sans had Papyrus tell him what he knew. It was the basics, same as what Nezu told Sans, which was fine. "welp, that's about all i know so far too. i've been learning about the superhuman souls and going deeper into the hero/villain society which is why my uniform is a little different from what you usually see me in." Papyrus had been wondering about that. "THE HUMAN SAID YOU WERE TRAINING." Sans nodded immediately. "i was training a student, yes. it's part of my job as a teacher and a hero." If Papyrus had a drink, Sans would have been wearing it. "Y-YOU'RE A TEACHER?! A HERO?!" Sans shrugged. "i told ya i was taking a deeper dive into hero society." Papyrus was... happy, proud even. Sans was... he was doing wonderful here in this unusual circumstance. He  was holding not one, but two jobs and seemed a little happier than before when they were Underground. The Surface was helping Sans and that was good! "NYEH HEH HEH, NEXT YOU'LL BE TELLING ME THAT YOU HAVE A LOVE INTEREST!"
"i do actually."


Sans gave Papyrus 'homework'. All he had to do was read what Sans had been writing since he woke up. Nothing too difficult for the Great Papyrus. It wasn't until Sans got that feeling of wrongness that he realized their was foreign souls attacking the camp. "the students!" Sans was on his feet and rushing outside in an instant with Papyrus hot on his tail coat. HOW COULD HE HAVE MISSED THEM?! Blue fire ravaged the woods and Sans could sense there was more out there. "pap, help the older humans! i'm going in!" Sans took a shortcut into the forest and started the hunt for any foreign or nonforeign souls. Hurt the enemy, help the ally. He could feel a good number of students around one of the enemy souls. That's where he was going first. By the time he got there, the enemy was taken down, some poison mask dude. "alright guys." Sans summoned blasters to help carry students. "let's get ya outta here and back to camp. your safety is my top priority." He knew there was more students out there. He could only hope he would get to them before something bad happened to them.

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