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Ok back to the Teacher Sans Arc! Also. Meta soul.

Sans snored away on the bus while they made their way to some off campus training facility. Sans was taking All Might's place since he used up all his hero time that morning. The timing was perfect too since Sans got a special little license that was that was recovered from his old timeperiod. The Vocation Magic License was apparently what monsters were given to use their magic in public. It was typically for work only, but it's not like a monster would get arrested if they used a little magic for daily life so long as it didn't do damage or harm humans. At least that's the the historian had told Sans and Nezu. What bothered Sans was that he already had a registered VML, granted it was a hundred something years expired, but the fact that he had one completely disproved Nezu's barrier theory. Thus Sans was sleeping on it now on the bus. Not even Katsuki's raging woke him from his nap... then again he had lived with Papyrus his whole life. He was more or less immune to screaming. Shota was jealous.


Sans grumbled sleepily as he stumbled off the bus. "Hehheh, you ok man?" Ejiro asked to which Sans nodded. "still wakin' up..." The Skeleton replied. "Iida, Momo head count." Shota ordered. Sans had memorized the students names pretty quickly, despite this only being his what- third?- day being a teacher? Was he a teacher yet? Eh, he wasn't going to think to hard on it, he was here so he was going to count himself a teacher. Sans yawned and followed the students into the Unforseen Simulation Joint. There he met a talking marshmallow astronaut thing. Sans snickered to himself at the thought. Anan Kurose was the the hero's name according to his stats, his pro name, Thirteen. Sans wondered why Thirteen, but it didn't really matter did it? He should be paying attention to the lecture not- Sans frowned, immediately going on guard. Something didn't feel right. The atmosphere felt like it was shifting, accumulating... Sans walked past Shota and Anan, looking down the stairs towards the fountain. "Sans?" Shota asked. "i really hope your expecting company." The pros exchanged confused looks, telling Sans all he needed to know. His magic flared up and he summoned a bone staff into his hands as a purple portal opened.


Sans was now very happy to have his VML, even if it was under mysterious circumstances because the L.O.V.E a few of these guys had was immense and made him nervous. These were real villains huh? Most of them seemed like small fry, but... "you kids stay back. let the pros and i handle this." Shota glanced at him. "Can you handle this?" Sans scoffed lightheartedly. "oh please, i've dunked my fair share of 'bad apples' back in my day. Oh stars, now Sans felt old. Sans shook his head and took a shortcut down, sweeping his leg under the guy in front of him and jabbing his attack into another's chest. He dodged multiple long range attacks and grabbed that particular idiot across the lobby and into the fountain. Shota had joined Sans in the battle, using his scarf to capture enemies while knocking them out with a hand to hand. Sans could also see his quirk at work, erasure if Sans recalled correctly as he kicked an idiot in his tailbone area. They'd already put down more than half the force and he hadn't even brought out the blasters yet.


"shota!" Sans had just knocked out the last of the small fry when he saw Tenko use his his quirk on Shota. Then the- Sans had no clue what it was but it was not one single human anymore- thing slammed Shota's face into the hard floor. Sans growled and summoned his blasters then, one dragged the creature off while another started to charge a blast at it. Sans felt sweat slide down his skull as he began to feel the the fatigue that came with using too much magic. "Sans!" Sans skull snapped to Izuku as a hands stretched out and grabbed his face. Sans blinked. "i'm pure magic energy bro, that trick won't work." Sans blipped away as a couple projects shot at Tenko. Sans panted heavily. He couldn't keep this up much longer, he hoped the pros would be here soon. "What are you?! This isn't fair!" Tenko screamed in anger. "heheh... i'm... one of a kind... buddy..." Sans panted. In a last desperate attempt, he went after the kids. Of course Sans could allow that, so he scraped up the last of his reserve to teleport there to shield them. What happened after that, Sans didn't know...


"So this is UA's living monster, huh?" Detective Tsukauchi asked Nezu as they checked on the condition of the injured. Now they were in Sans room. "Yes, that is Sans." Nezu introduced. "From what we got from the other two Sans fought with his all to protect them all. It was hard for the doctor to diagnose, but the only thing he is really suffering from is extreme exhaustion." Tsukauchi informed the principal. "He must be extremely powerful." Nezu walked up to the unconscious Skeleton. "Indeed. It's almost saddening that I didn't get to see it myself." Tsukauchi pulled a card out of his pocket. This was on him, I ran it through the database to see what it was. I never knew there was such thing as a Vocation Magic License. Could you give it back to him when he wakes up?" Nezu nodded, taking the card. "Of course, thank you detective." The small animal chirped. Tsukauchi tipped his hat before heading out. Nezu set Sans VML next to his things and left the Skeleton to sleep his exhaustion off.

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