Touring the Underground

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It was a ten minute drive from Ebbot City to Mt. Ebbot at 5 am in the morning. Half the battle was getting there at a decent time for the tour, so that meant waking up early. Climbing up to the entrance of the mountain took a good three hours itself, seeing as nobody had been up there in a literal century. Not to mention the one or two breaks in between since it was so early in the morning. By 8:30ish, they were all standing before the entrance to the cave leading into the King's Castle. "well, everyone, welcome to the entrance to the underground. from here on is the official start of the tour. our first stop is the king's castle!" The Barrier room didn't change in the slightest, aside from no actual Barrier and pieces of what Sans noted to be the remnants of the crystalis. "this was the throne room... asgore loved flowers." That room, on the other hand, was an overgrown jungle of plants that had Sans somewhat dreading Waterfall. They skipped the Morgue and Sans, showed off the golden lit Judgment hall, cracked with time, and filled with cobwebs. All of Asgore's main housechambers were much the same with decayed furniture and broken-down appliances.


They wandered the jagged and broken streets of New Home, headed to the C.O.R.E. Sans wasn't even sure if the great contraption made I through the hundred years without maintenance. He and the others didn't let the kids (and teachers) wander off on their own for the Underground was a dangerous place if they didn’t know it. Thanks to Alphys' one of a kind electrical abilities, they were able to get into the C.O.R.E bit by bit and Sans was able to give history as they moved on through. "this is the c.o.r.e. this giant machine we are walking in now gave power to the entire underground by taking the geothermal energy and converting it into magical energy. it was the lake of that magical energy in the surface's environment that had killed off my species. this great machine was built nearly 250ish years ago by the royal scientist before alphys." Sans was happy to note that the C.O.R.E had hardly changed in the last hundred years. It was just looking a little unused. He led them towards Hotland with the fair warning that they should seriously strip into something cooler.


"now, hotland and waterfall both cover a huge area- one in which we couldn't do in one day, so we will be going straight to level one where the important place is. hotland otherwise is a three level area that takes the span of 37 hours to hit everything, so yeah-" They rode the elevator to R1 where all the humans and Undyne were blasted witn the scorching temperatures. "don't worry- we can cool down just over here in-"
"METTATON'S KITCHEN!!!" Papyrus took off running, eager to see how it had faired over the years. "paps, stay with the group-" The others were following Papyrus' lead though, the students and Undyne racing after him while the teachers tried to corral them. Sans sighed and shrugged at Alphys before touching her shoulder and taking a shortcut into the dark and decrepit kitchen. With a little magic, Alphys got the air conditioning working for the fleshies. "I Was... Kind Of Hoping Mettaton Would Be Spared... He Was A Robot..." Sans sighed softly. "a robot with a soul, bud..." Izuku and some of the other students came up to ask about the Underground and how life had been growing up.


The monsters answered some questions to the best of their ability before they moved on through the rest of Hotland as fast as they could as not to die of heatstroke. By the time they made it to the lab, they were in desperate need of a water bottle refill in which Alphys was happy to oblige. Sans stayed with his brother while Papyrus grieved over the loss of the star, leaving Alphys to explain her home to them. "Th-this is the l-lab where I lived a-and worked... u-um..." She looked around at the old monitors and decayed Manga and anime sets. "Woooaaah, looks like you were a fan of Japan before you even knew what Japan was!" Hizashi commented as they browsed the surprisingly in tact collection. Alphys was definitely shoving it in her inventory for later. "Hey, once you're done there we should keep moving! I wanna show them my super cool house in Waterfall!" Undyne barked out eagerly. "she's right, we need to get going or none of you will get good sleep before the flight back to japan tomorrow." Sans agreed.


Waterfall was more everyone's speed in temperature though as Sans had feared, it was all overgrown and consumed by nature. That didn't stop them from trying to get through though. Undyne was determined to shoe off her home. Sans followed, but at a much slower pace that was attention grabbing. "Sans? Is something the matter?" Shota asked. "... it's hard to believe i haven't seen this in over a hundred years..." Sans replied softly and slowly, in awe of whatever he was looking up at. It made the others wanna look too, and see the small crystals on the ceiling. "Oh... oh wow..." The group had to pause just a little longer to admire the beauty. It was a good thing they had too, because Undyne's abode was kinda... destroyed. The fish monster laughed awkwardly. "I, uh, kinda forgot Frisk and I burned down my house cooking-" Sans snorted. "yeah, i kinda forgot too. you were sleeping on the couch a good week before the barrier broke, right?" Recollection flashed in Undyne's eye. "Oh yeah! Thanks for that!" She laughed again as Sans rolled his eyelights. "COME EVERYONE!!! THIS WAY TO SNOWDIN!!!" Papyrus was at least excited to return home once more.

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