What Happened?

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It was the next day and Sans had just found a holy grail and was squirting it in his coffee. "... please don't tell me that is what I think it is." Shota had just come in with his own coffee, and not he was looking a little sick to his stomach. Sans looked at the ketchup and coffee mixture, then at Shota, replying with "ok, it is not a delicious mix of ketchup and coffee." Shota turned and walked out with Sans grinning like an idiot. However, it was short-lived. Sans had a dream last night and it wasn't something he typically had nightmares about either. It was very spotty, his dream, but something told him there was more that happened to get him into that crystal. In his dream, he was in a hospital. Every room had someone he cared about in it, Asgore, Toriel, Grillby, Alphys, Undyne, Papyrus... the scene changes and Sans is also in one of those hospital beds. He feels weak, he knows he's dying, he can't remember why. The scene changes again and it's dark. A voice drifts into his senses. I can help you, Sans. My abilities are limited in your world though. I can't save them all. do what you need to...


"Sans? You with me?" Sans jolted from his thoughts, noticing that they were at the school. He got out of the vehicle and started shuffling to the school. "Sans?" Shota went after the Skeleton. "Something wrong?" Sans shook his head. "it's probably nothing, let's just get to that meeting." The other faculty still weren't used to Sans being there. Most eyes were on him throughout the meeting, though the Skeleton expertly ignored them in favor of listening to Nezu. "-after lunch, will be the Soul Studies class. That will begin next week so that Sans can prepare a curriculum, sound good Sans?" Sans nodded slowly. "The Soul Studies class will be 45 minutes to an hour long before the usual Hero Course begins. Understood?" The pros nodded quickly, agreeing with the minor schedule change. Nezu nodded approvingly. "This meeting is ajouned, Sans I think it's time to show you around- Sans?" Sans wasn't there though. He was gone. "One of his abilities was some sort of teleportion magic." Shota muttered. "He seemed kind of off earlier. He wouldn't tell me what though." Nezu hummed as he looked at the empty chair.


Sans looked at the pinpad keeping him from his bro. He couldn't take a shortcut in there with the iridium laced metal blocking him. With a low sigh, Sans summoned a bone. He wasn't the best at this stuff, but he needed to get inside and school had likely already started by now. That and he really didn't want to involve anyone else yet. He was still confused himself. All he needed was a sample... the pinpad came off easily and Sans started to carefully mess with the wiring. He could fix it later. The door opened after a minute. Sans put the thing back and stepped inside, pressing the button to go down. Finally he was there again. Looking at them, stuck in a sleep like state, in a giant crystal. He sighed again, pressed a hand to the crystal. "please wake up soon... i don't think i can do this without you..." He whispered as he looked up at his bro. He watched and waited for awhile, hoping for any sign that one of them was waking up, but there was nothing. He turned to the empty end of the crystal.


Sans did fix the pinpad when he got back to the Surface, then he went on the search for the school's lab. In his pockets was a sizable chunk of the crystal for him to study. The voice had been familiar, and if it was who he thought it was that put them there than there was a LOT more to the story that the the barrier crystalizing them as an unknown lashback. What was it that Sans couldn't recall though? Why? Did it have something to do with the monster deaths? That was the only thing that made sense. Sans looked up at a promising looking room. There was a girl with pink dreads and scope like eyes inside. He immediately closes the door. "nope, not ready for new people today." He sped walked away, hoping to find a sign or something. To bad he couldn't read Japanese as fluently as he could speak it. He would have to work on that. Eventually he did find the lab he was looking for and started his tests on the crystal, looking for something very specific that would tell him the answer to his first clue.


Sans walked up to the class in the Gamma field or whatever they called it. He was a bit late in being there, but within the structure of the crystal, he had found traces of Void matter. Somehow his old man was involved in what happened, and he didn't know how or why. The Void matter was the most likely reason why they didn't age while they were in the crystal, the magic likely being what actually kept them alive, though it did seem pretty low for four monsters if the lack of magic is what killed off his species. His next objective was to get back to America and get some newspapers from that time, but that would be a long while while he was in UA's custody. "Sans! Where have you been? You were gone all day." All Might was with the students as they fought each other for some prototype bomb from what Sans could see. "walking around, getting a lay of the land." Sans half lied. He did get a good lay of the school looking for the lab. "O-oh right, I suppose that is a thing that should be done!" Sans nodded, closing his sockets for a nap.

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