Soul Studies

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Shota and Sans both woke up to the unmistakable scent of bacon. It had Sans disappearing and reappearing at the kitchen with a groggy Shota rapidly blinking from the sudden scenery change. "Please don't drag me along into one of your shortcuts..." He requested as he ran a hand down his scruffy face and pushed his hair out of the way. Papyrus was speaking before the skeletal hero could apologize. "YES AGREED YOU LAZYBONES! STARS EVEN AS A HERO YOU STILL MANAGE TO BE LAZY AT HOME!" The youngest placed plates of bacon and some tamagoyaki which mildly surprised Sans, but knowing Pap, he likely found it and wanted to give it a whirl. "heh, starting today i'll be teaching my own class on soul studies too." Shota paused and smiled. "That is today, isn't it? I'm sure the kids are excited to finally see you in the classroom setting." Shota's smile was infectious. "heh, i miss seeing them in the classroom setting." Papyrus gaze flicked back and forth between the two, a knowing smile settling on his features. Don't think he didn't know that Sans and Shota slept in the same room, on the same bed.


Papyrus sat through his first faculty meeting. Sans decided that he'd tell him about Shota at lunch. Papyrus deserved to know, he was his bro. He had something else to do before that. Sans gaze traveled to a certain retired pro. If he was going to help All Might train Izuku, he would have to talk to All Might and Izuku about it. He actually caught him on his way out. "hey wait- i, uh, i want to talk to you. alone, if you don't mind. "... of course." Sans hesitated when they did get the room to themselves, leaning into the table as he tried to think about how to go about this. "Look, I know you've been pinning the blame for what happened to me on yourself, but I promise, it wasn't you." Sans chuckled appreciating what All Might was saying, even if it wasn't what Sans wanted to talk about. "heh, thanks, but it's actually something else i wanna talk about... i wanna help you train izuku... i know he's your protégé." All Might sighed. "Gotta be honest, I knew you were going to figure it out. I'll talk to Midoriya and get back to you." Sans nodded, it was a reasonable request.


To see the class full of students again was really nice. Only this time, he was at the front. He was teaching. Papyrus was with them, talking about himself and his ambitions, well, previous ambitions. "alright kiddos, take your seats so we can begin." Tenya's hand shot up immediately. "i already know who's here and who's not, i can feel it in my soul." Sans answered the unspoken question as the class president lowered his hand. "congrats all of you for making it to your first day of soul studies. today we will start with the properties of determination and the seven basic soul traits that potentially make up the human soul. eventually we will build up to your own superhuman souls." He went to the whiteboard, writing down seven words. "these are the seven traits your soul could be. it's not a lie when they say the eyes are the gateway to the soul. i've noticed that your eyecolor usually reflects your soul's trait. for instance, yellow eyes have justice souls, green has kindness souls, blue have integrity souls, cyan have patience souls, orange have bravery souls, purple have perseverance souls, and red have determination souls. now determination the chemical and determination the soul trait are similar but not the same..."


The bell rang, and the students started to pack up for their next class. "WOWIE! I FEEL SO INFORMED! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU KNEW SO MUCH ABOUT SOULS!" Sans smiled. "heh yeah. you'll be learning a lot about me that you didn't know... a lot i shouldn't have kept secret, but i thought i was protecting you. i'm sorry bro." Papyrus merely hugged Sans. "Like The Fact You Are Dating Our Roommate?" Sans flushed bright blue. "heh... yeah, i was, uh, going to tell you about that at lunch, actually... shota and i have been dating for a while now." Papyrus clung tighter. "I Know He Makes You Happy. I Am Happy For You, Brother." He did, he really did. "thanks bro... i need to get ready for the general studies class now, 1-a isn't the only class i am teaching, after all." Papyrus let go and helped Sans erase the board since 1-A was more ahead then the others. He would catch everyone up quickly though, he was determined to.


Izuku came to him at lunch, while he was getting ready for the heroing section of the day. "All Might told me you wanted to help train me. That you know I'm his..." Sans paused from his task, looking at the kid. "i know what it's like to have unbelievably high expectations placed on the soul. it can be very... damaging. so yeah, i wanna help train your quirk and soul, to lessen that a little. help you become the 'symbol' that the people need." Izuku hesitated. "Train my soul?" Sans chuckled. "even i can tell your body isn't fully adapted to your developing quirk. training your soul will help with that. plus, having soul sensory really helps in all sorts of heroing situations." Sans shrugged. "And you would really teach me in all this." Sans gave a firm nod. "i  don't go back on my word." Izuku hesitated before nodding himself. "Ok then... thanks Sans, seriously. I look forward to training with you!" With that, the boy left. Sans supposed this meant he was 'in' on their little secret now. He was very good at keeping secrets, one could almost consider it another profession of his.

Brooooo look at my fanart up top! It's frigging amazing! Thank you, godofutterconfusion for the wonderful artwork! Have a great morning, afternoon, night


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