Training Vacay

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Sans started work for the agency Shota was in immediately, making quite the name for himself as Eraserhead's partner. Though he did solo missions as well on occasion. His students got to see 'The Judge' in action on television first, besides Tsu. Some of the students remembered what Sans had said about what he wanted his hero name to be and put two and two together. Many, though, had to wait until they got to the training camp. Sans leaned casually against the rail as the Pussycats introduced themselves. They hadn't noticed him yet, good. Sans took a shortcut as Ryuko sent the students into the depths of the forest below. "oof, that had to of hurt."
"Oh, that was only the beginning!" Ryuko smiled deviously as Sans sweatdropped. "meet ya on down there!" Sans wrapped his arms around Shota before taking a shortcut to the training building. Tomoko giggled. "They make such a cute couple!" The other Pussycats quickly agreed. "i bet it will take them all day. it'll be supper before they get here." Sans mused. "I'll take that bet." Shota replied. "What do you want to do while we wait?"
"is that a trick question? i wanna nap-"


After a nice nap in their shared room, the sleepy pros headed back out to see if the students were back yet. That was a no go. "it's looking more like i'm gonna be right." Sans grinned up at his boyfriend. "Ragdoll expected it to be later, so we'll see." Shota picked Sans up and started carrying him back. "now where are we going?" Shota smirked. "We are gonna go do couple stuff while we wait." Sans started to visibly sweat under his hood, which had Shota questioning how that was possible, but he ignored the question for now. "Don't worry, it's just cuddling." Cuddling. Sans could do cuddling. "What did you think I was thinking?" Sans chuckled. "that's the thing, i never know with you." Shota laughed with him. "Am I really that unpredictable?" Sans shook his head. "nah, you're pretty predictable, it's the idea of romance itself that is unpredictable."
"Good, you need something unpredictable." They disappeared back into their room for a nice cuddling session. Sans liked it though. He liked this kind of affection.


"Oh! That's Mr. Aizawa's new partner, Judge!" Denki fanboyed. "That's so cool!" Eijiro grinned excitedly. "You idiots do know it's just skeleton freak, right?" Katsuki questioned bluntly. "jeez, way to ruin the fun kid." Sans complained. "It's not exactly hard to figure out, it's your usual outfit just a little altered, numbskull." Sans sighed. "your 'positivity' is much appreciated, katsuki." Sans cleared his 'throat'. "you should get your stuff from the bus now that you're here. there's still a lot to be done." He gestured a gloved hand to where the bus was parked. The students groaned and started their march to the bus. "That was hot." Shota mused. "You totally pulled a me."
"you're hot." Sans countered as he turned to Shota. "also, i won that bet." Shota hummed. "So you did. You deserve a prize." He crouched and pulled Sans in for a kiss. Sans soul shuttered with euphoria. Kissing was still new and he still loved it. "EEEEEE!!!!" Caught. Crap. Shota growled as he shot a look at the squealing girls of the class. Many of the boys looked shocked as hell. "what, ya never seen a guy kiss before?" Sans asked, not in the least upset. They were bound to figure out eventually. "welp, get that inside, foods waiting."


Sans joined the boys in the hot springs, mostly because he hadn't been in the hot springs before yet. Shota had some work to do, so he couldn't join Sans like he wanted. Sans still hoped he would join them later. "Why are you wearing a shirt in a hot spring? You're not afraid to shoe your man parts," Hanta glanced down before looking up, "or lack of be you can't show off your ribs?" Sans chuckled and rolled his eyelights as he stepped into the water. "i'm fine to show my ribs, but if not being examined for scientific purposes, the soul is intimate for monsters. so i'm sensitive to showing my soul." Sans explained casually. The water felt nice on his soul... he sighed in content. "can see why people like this..." His bones couldn't feel the warmth but is really calmed his soul. Maybe too much as Minoru was sent sailing down to the ground. The kid, Kota, wasn't far behind. "kid-" Before he could catch him with his magic, Izuku had him. "I'll take him to Mandalay." Izuku insisted as he left with the kid in his arms. Sans stared down at Minoru and grinned. Time for punishment...


After punishing Minoru with a ride of a life on a blaster, he went to his room to change and go to bed. "Enjoy the hot springs?" Shota asked from where he was sitting and watched from the bathroom mirror as Sans removed his soaked shirt and towel and slip on a pair of blue ketchup pajamas. Normally he would never do something like this, he wasn't that sort of man, but he'd been dying to see what a monster soul looked like in real life. Sans was about as he'd described, upside-down and white with little red lines in it. Shota wondered why. What worried him was the deep slash across his chest. That he had an idea on. Genocide routes. "hey, need help with anything?" Sans stepped out from the bathroom and walked over to him, hugging Shota from behind. "Nah, I'm almost done. Don't mind you laying there though." Shota mused. "good, i was gonna anyway." He nuzzled into Shota.

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