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It was late when they came down the mountain and even later when Sans and Shota got to sleep. Not that Shota could blame him for being so upset, Shota wouldn't take it well if a missing family member appeared only to sacrifice himself for the sake of others. Sans had every right to grieve, and Shota would be there for every step. Sans was... fitful on the flight back home, waking from bad dreams to seek Shota's comfort only for the process to repeat in on itself. It worried the monsters. It worried the teachers. It worried the students. A part of Sans wished he'd never found that letter, nor the key to his dad's office in True Labs. A part of him was glad he did. There were no more secrets in regards to how they got there. It was a constant back and forth, even when they got back into the house. Papyrus offered to cook something for dinner, but Sans shook his skull. "sorry bro, i'm not hungry..." Papyrus nodded but went to cook anyway for himself, Shota... and eventually, Sans. Shota took to bringing Sans and Grillby into their shared room.


Sans wasn't going to keep Shota from eating, even if he wasn't hungry himself. Shota was just worried. He'd seen his boyfriend in a bad way a few times by now, but this was different. He wanted to be there while Sans grieved. Now, though, it seemed he wanted some space to himself, and Shota granted it. "Ocean Trout, Shota?" The worried teacher nodded to Papyrus gratefully. "Yes. Thank you, Papyrus." The skeleton hummed as he plated their food, and as he passed it over... "I Have Seen Worse, From Sans." Shota looked up at Papyrus questioningly. "This... Letter. It Had Deeply Upset Him, Yes. But I Have Seen Sans Lower Than This... So Don't Worry Too Much! He Will Be Ok!" Shota was given no time to argue as Papyrus sat down. "I've Never Seen Sans With So Much Hope. You, The Students... He Loves You All Very Much And I Have Never Seen Him Like This- I Think, If You All Work Together, You Could Cheer Him Up Easily!" Papyrus encouraged. Shota raised a brow. "You really think so?" Shota asked the younger skeleton. "I Know So!" Papyrus smiled brightly at Shota, certain of what he was doing.


That night, Shota and Papyrus went to talk to the students, Undyne, Alphys, and even Hizashi and Toshinori. "I'm sure you're wondering why you're all here tonight, right after the trip. As you all have noticed, Sans isn't doing well. Papyrus believes we can all cheer him up, so I thought we could put our heads together to make plans. A welcome home party or something." Shota suggested. "OR A FUNERAL!" Papyrus suggested loudly to which everyone looked at him with concern. Shota looked more surprised. "My Brother Found A Letter, Detailing How We Got In That Crystal, Right? It Was... Our Father's Soul, Who Was Sacrificed, Correct? A Funeral... Sans Would Appreciate It. As Well As One For Grillby As Well..." Shota frowned. "You can read the cipher too..." Papyrus smiled and nodded. "It Is A Skeleton Language. Of Course I Can." Undyne decided to break the sadness with what she did best. "WELL?! WHAT THE HELL ARE WE WAITING FOR?! LET'S PLAN THE BEST DAMN FUNERAL THAT SHORTSTACK HAS EVER SEEN!!! NYAAAAGH!!!!" For a moment everyone stared at Undyne before the students burst into stupid giggles. "Ok, well, we need a location to have it take place." Shoto commented.


They planned and they went out to purchase things for a last minute Celebration of Life for the skeleton brothers two parent figures. Shota and Papyrus were to both go home and keep Sans busy while Toshinori brought the principle in on what was going on. "I'm sorry about your father, Papyrus." Shota offered up. He and Papyrus didn't speak often. He was usually with Sans or doing hero work. "I Never Knew Him. Or... I At Least Don't Remember Him. It Is... Difficult To Be Upset Over Someone I Don't Know, However, I Do Appreciate It, Human. And I Appreciate What You Do For My Brother. Keep Up The Good Work!" Shota started to wonder what the age difference was between Sans and Papyrus. "Thank you, Paps... but what about Grillby?" Papyrus hummed a little, his expression a little sadder. "It Was Sans Who Raised Me. I Would Be Truly Upset If Sans Were To... But, Grillby Did Baby Sir From Time To Time! He Was A Good Friend..." Shota patted Papyrus shoulder and offered a hug. One that Papyrus happily accepted. Papyrus was truly happy Sans had someone like Shota.


Sans was surprised when Shota dragged him out of bed and took the urn with them. It had to be bedtime for everyone by now. "shota..? what's going on..?" Shota smiled down at his boyfriend with reassurance, telling Sans that it wasn't anything to worry about. "The others noticed your mood and decided to do something about it." Shota explained as he entered the kids dorm. Soft music- something he knew Grillby would have liked- reached him and he picked up his skull. Candles were lit all around the living room and Sans was certain he could smell fast food in the kitchen. Everyone, the students, the monsters, Toshinori, Hizashi, and Nezu were all dressed in black. Equipment from the science lab was placed in every available spot and on the coffee table was the crystal piece Sans usually had on his desk. Shota put Sans down so he could place the urn between the crystal and a present. "w-what is this..?" Sans was touched to his very soul that they would do this for him. "A celebration of life, duh. Now go open your damn gift, ya freak!" Despite his harsh words, Sans knew Katsuki was trying to be nice and went to open the gift. "I Found That In The Lab!" Papyrus explained as Sans opened it to find the photo album. "I Figured Dad Was A Scientist Since He Knew C.O.R.E Stuff, So I Tried That Key On Every Door!" Sans felt himself tearing up against his will. "thank you..." He whispered. "Don't thank us yet," Izuku replied, "the party only just started!"

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