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The class had an all-American breakfast with scrambled eggs or omelets, bacon and sausage links, hashbrowns, toast, pancakes or waffles, and coffee for the teachers. Sans got time to wake up, having hardly slept the night prior and thinking about his next steps. He wanted to find his hospital records and see when he was cleared to leave. Papyrus, Undyne, and Alphys, too. Speaking of them, this time, they would be joining him in the search. There were a lot of hospitals to cover, and even Sans knew he couldn't do it alone. They made sure their phones were fully charged, and their VML's were handy for this task. They weren't afraid to expose themselves as monsters, especially in their hometown. Of course, first they had to go to City Hall for an all too familiar history lesson. "all right, kiddos, i would like you on the bus in fifteen minutes! it's almost time to learn about your favorite magical compadres." Sans took note of how most of the classes eyes lit up, and Izuku already had a notebook at his side. Even the explosive blonde looked hyped. Shota chuckled. "Seems you're a good teacher. They are excited to learn."


They were rounded onto the bus in no time. Sans listened to the students and teachers alike go on about what monster history would be like. Sans didn't see the big deal. Monsters had always been around, at least before the great war. He supposed that that's what made it exciting to them? "Oh, I wonder what kind of people the monsters were!" Midnight asked eagerly. Sans smiled, about to answer before Cementoss spoke up with his own question. "I wonder where monsters originated?" Again, he tried to give an answer, but... "I am curious as to if the monsters were considered gods in the ancient times?" All Might asked. Sans didn't bother to try and speak up this time as Present Mic turned to him. "Well, dude? Give us the scoop on your species! Have monsters always had magic? How long had monsters been on the planet, as long as humans? How did monsters get magic, but not humans? Are your species actually aliens from another planet-" Shota stopped Mic there. "Don't be ridiculous. We will all find out soon enough, ok?" Sans melted into his boyfriend. "thanks babe..." Shota's cheeks burned as Midnight and Mic 'ooh'ed at him.


A tour guide led them to the room of Monster History, which was apparently a real thing. Ancient scriptures and depictions of the war hung on the walls and were in glass cases around the room, along with old weapons and armor, like guard attire and the dog's axes, swords, and even Gerson's hammer. In the center case was the King and Queen's garb... Toriel's dress and Asgore's crown and cape. Sans took a soft breath. "monsters are a species that lived for as long as humans have. some speculate longer. mt. ebbot is not actually not where monsters were born, most haven't even known it until after the war... more on at later. monsters were a peaceful species that traded and taught humans magic. alphys' orgins can be traced back to south america, undyne's can be traced back to greece, and we skeletons can be traced back to mexico. some monsters were seen as beings to be worshipped, others seen them as beings to be feared. that's where the human monster war comes in. many, many species were killed, and those who remained retreated to the king, who decided to shelter them in mt. ebbot for their protection..."


Sans tried to cover all the bases with the time he had and answered all the questions he could. He pointed out artifacts, told them who's it had been, what they had done in life. After, everyone went to lunch, and the groups separated and followed their assigned teacher to their American Hero Agency. "alright. call if you find anything?" The others nodded. "Of Course, Brother!" Papyrus replied. "A-and if we find nothing..?" Alphys stammered. "we've got 'til thursday to find something. if we don't find anything today, there is still tomorrow to find our records. undyne, i want you to stay here and see if you can find anything on us here in city hall, ok?" Undyne nodded quickly. "Got it, nerd." Sans huffed softly and got up before breaking off from the group to start the search. He had the upmost confidence in the others. Sans flagged a taxi to take him to the nearest hospital, texting the others in group chat where he was starting. "hey, i'm the pro hero judge, and i'm looking into this monster, do you have any records of him on file?" He handed over his VML to a lady at the front. The search had begun.


Undyne called not to long after Sans left the first hospital with nothing. She found their citizenship certificates, the jobs they used to work- apparently Sans had been an actuary- Their banking information, their old places of living on the surface, all sorts of information. It also included where they had been admitted when the magic pandemic started. Ebbot Memorial Monster Sanitarium. A hospital meant just for the sick and dusting monsters. Sans asked the taxi to take him straight there for him and his friends to meet and find out what happened. Undyne let him know there was no death certificates, rather, in place of that were missing persons reports. He could put to and to together. It seemed the had never been discharged. Still, he wanted to go. See if he could trigger himself or one of the others. See if he could find out how they got to the Underground. Was it possible... did Gaster somehow..? Sans needed to know, and that Sanitarium was the last clue, other than the Underground itself, of course. Sans paid the driver and went to enter the abandoned building. His monster friends would be there soon, then they could hopefully find the last piece of the puzzle. 

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