Frozen in Time

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Sans made sure the humans were bundled up and holding on to one another before they went through the fog. From there, it was a straight shot to Sans and Papyrus home. It was a frozen time capsule, the cabin, with the windows and doors iced over thickly from the century that had passed. Luckily, Sans knew how to melt the ice faster than it had formed, and they were all headed inside. Frost coated everything inside, and the room was barren, yet more evidence that they had moved to the surface before their crystallization. The brothers headed up the creaky, frosted steps without a word to check out their rooms, and the door handles were ice cold under their touch as they pushed their way inside. Papyrus room had no more trace of him. He had taken everything with him to the surface, and it was all lost to time. For Sans, he had left behind the undoubtedly broken treadmill as well as his old mattress... on top of that was a frosted over envelope with his name scawled onto it in his hands. Sans took no time to open it and see what was inside.


Shota found Sans sitting on a mattress, expression blank. His sockets were void of his eyelights, and a letter was gripped tightly in his shaking hands. Shota knew that Sans was struggling with his emotions and called for everyone else to go on ahead while he went to comfort and confront his boyfriend. "Sans... what's the matter?" He sat on the freezing mattress beside his skeleton and wrapped an arm around him to comfort him and let him know he wasn't alone. The touch seemed to jumpstart Sans, and his eyelights returned as he gave Shota an unbearably depressed look. He leaned into the touch for a moment before whispering, "let's go to grillby's..." Before Shota could ask if that was his adopted father that he meant, he was being dragged through the Void and sat on a barstool. The letter, as well as a silver key was left beside him while Sans walked around the bar, pulling out two glasses and fiddling with some of the taps. The letter was written in some odd cipher Shota didn't recognize. "S-Sans..." The Void shook Shota more than he liked to admit, but he tried to keep himself steady. "Where are w-we?"


Sans came over with the glasses now filled with a warm, golden liquid. "this is grillby’s bar and grill... it was my favorite place to... decompress." He set the glasses down and was back in his stool before Shota could Blink, gulping down what he now realized was alcohol. "Sans." Shota took the glass softly and pulled it away. They were on job, after all, and he didn't want Sans getting into trouble. (He didn't know Sans drank.) "Sans, talk to me..." He took Sans hand as he tried to reach for his drink and held it close. "What is bothering you... what is in that letter that is hurting you, Sans?" Shota tried to meet his eyelights, but Sans only looked hard at the counter with that depressed expression. Just as Shota was about to try again, Sans replied with his voice rough with emotion. "it was the answer... it was what we were looking for. how we got to be... in that barrier." Shota started a little as he looked at the cipher. "Did the answer not satisfy you?" He asked quietly. Sans shook his skull. "that crystal... wasn't a thing. it was a person..."



If you are reading this, that means my barrier had worked. As you may have already figured out, you were on the surface for a good while, but the consequences were more than bargained for. I was helpless in the Void, watching you and the rest fall down and I knew I couldn't stand by and do nothing. I absorbed the Prince's determination to drag myself out of this prison and collect as much of you as I could before it was too late. I sincerely apologize for being unable to save Grillby as well... he was ash before I had the chance. I'm so sorry, my son... Anyway, I diverted the remains of the C.O.R.E's energy to the barrier's chambers where you all were falling down. I used the very same spell to trap you as the mages had all those years ago during the war. With the C.O.R.E's energy, the dead prince's determination, and my very soul, I made a weak barrier to protect you and your brother. Never forget that I love you both, Sans, and do not let my sacrifice be in vain. Live for me, my son.

Dr. W.D Gaster"


Sans' soul weighed heavy in his chest as he finished reading his father's letter. A sob threatened to break free from his iron control. Now it all made sense, the Void magic, his father's magic... it was all in the crystalis because he was the crystalis. The barrier protecting them from the fate of the rest of monster kind. Shota didn't hesitate to scoop Sans into him and let Sans Han on him like a lifeline. He whispered his condolences and comforted Sans and eased him into breaking down his walls until Sans was wailing feebly into Shota like a babybones, but neither hero really cared. Papyrus was the one to find them. They were heading back and had stopped at the house to get them, but Papyrus knew that once they weren't there, that Sans had taken Shota to Grillby's. He didn't dare ask why Sans was in such a state and only tucked away the letter and key to give back to them once everything was a little more... stable. Papyrus asked everyone else to not ask about it as well. He knew his brother would tell when he was ready. For now though, he would be there to help Shota with his sad, sad brother.

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