Fieldtrip to America!

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Sans and the other monsters were present when the announcement was made. Nezu had come in, and Sans just couldn't wipe the excited grin off his face. "Every single one  of you students has made me proud to be your principal. Even if you have not passed the Provisional Licensing Exams, you have made great progress and will get a second chance to earn them. So I have decided to reward you with an all expense paid vacation to Mt. Ebbot, America!" Suddenly, the other monsters realized why Sans couldn't stop smiling. The students went crazy. America?! They were going to America?! "Of course," Nezu continued, making the class quiet once more, "you still need to get your parents' approval. You are all capable students, I have the utmost faith in you." Sans' smile fell a little. That was right. They couldn't just up and take the students to America. They still had families that love them. Stars, what if they said no? Sans was so excited to show the kiddos his home... they were smart. They could help figure out how he and the others ended up in that crystal. He hoped that somehow, it would be a yes for everyone.


Papyrus scooped him up as homeroom was started, and the monsters were shooed out. "WE ARE GOING HOOOOOME!!!" Alphys and Undyne hugged too, happy to hear the news. "HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN KEEPING THAT SECRET, SKELETON?!" Undyne demanded to know. "a while." Sans replied vaguely as he headed to his room to teach the General Studies students. For today's classes, he was covering the history of humans and their magic. It felt both agonizingly slow and super fast as well. Before he knew it, he was giving Izuku his private lessons with All Might and even Bakugo. Apparently, Izuku had told him. It was just as well. It gave Sans ideas for future soul training exercises. "focus, deku, focus. the more you're in tune with your soul, the easier it will be to access it. once it's second nature, you will notice that new parts of your soul will be unlocked to you. you will be able to utilize more of one for all. your check will get more detailed and advanced, and you may even tap more into sensory abilities." Sans chided. He could see that Katsuki wanted to learn, too. He might as well. "sit and join him."


Sans had trouble sleeping that night. He was just so anxious and excited. Shota was fine to stay up with him. They did spend their extra hours doing more hero work. After that, they watched TV until dawn. Shota did not stay up for that. No, he fell asleep on Sans' shoulder, but he didn't mind. He woke his lover when it was time to get ready for school and made them both cups of coffee after a long night. The drive to school was filled with anxiety, which Shota quickly fixed by playing Sans favorite song, Careless Whisper by George Michael. Sans found it to be both memorable, meme-able, and all around classy, thus it was his favorite alongside Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley. Sans had a fun car ride. Papyrus, who was in the back, did not. Sans feared the worst when all the kids carried gloomy expressions. "you can't go, can you..?" Sans asked. "Well, we all talked to our parents and..." Izuku trailed off. "And?" Shota prompted. "And we all got the ok to go!" Mina cried out excitedly. The entire class perked up suddenly as the news was given. Sans couldn't have been more proud.


Thus, in a week's time, Class 1-A was going to America. They would be staying in at a Holiday Inn in Ebbot City were they would get to learn the secret history behind monsters and how the Americans do hero work. Sans would get to dig around for information regarding the crystal. On Thursday, they would get to hike the mountain where Sans would give them a personal tour of the Underground and Friday they would make the return trip back to Japan and home. The students started packing right away while the teachers brushed up on their English. Even Sans was, after speaking Japanese for so long. Alphys, Undyne, and Papyrus were much the same and so so excited to see home again after so long. Shota could no longer contain his boyfriend or his brother as they got their brand new passports and visas ready for the 20ish hour flight from Tokyo, Japan to Mt. Ebbot, Oregon. Shota couldn't remember seeing Sans this happy. He was excited for the monsters though, and excited to see where they came from.


The flight was long, but fun. The students knew how to keep things exciting. Eventually though, everyone fell asleep. Sans stayed up longer to stare at the stars from out the window. He wasn't exactly awake when he was transferred from America to Japan, so he counted this as his first official time on a plane, and stars was the view beautiful from here. He fell asleep like that, eyelights to the sky. It was around three in the afternoon when the plane touched ground. The jetlag was messing with everyone since in Japan it would be about seven in the morning. It would be hard to get them to sleep during the night. Still, Sans was happy. "welcome to america, everyone." Everyone took in the sights, the monsters included as they searched the entirety of the airport and beyond. Transportation to get them to their hotel was already set and waiting the students were thrown off by the left sided drivers side and the right side of the road Americas drove on rather than the left. "WHY THE HELL IS YOUR COUNTRY SO BACKWARDS!?" Some students took it better than others. This was gonna be a great trip with Bakugo.

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