Execution, Violence, and Chivalry?

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School was back in session, and being in a classroom never felt so good. Sans was happy to give a refresher course on souls and their properties, the power they had, and how that power applied to the metahuman soul they all possessed. Sans was happy to remind them that every time they used their quirk, they were unknowingly tapping into their soul. After the lesson was over, Sans went into Izuku and Katsuki's soul training. He was pleased to find out that they had both been practicing over the vacation and their 'checks' were advancing rapidly. Sans didn't even know Izuku had tapped into his check, let alone Katsuki. It seemed to him that the rivalry between the two was helping them to learn at a faster rate. As long as it didn't do the opposite, Sans could care less. "Hey, uh, Sans Sensei?" Izuku hesitantly called out to Sans, and the skeleton gave  him his attention. "What's LV stand for? And EXP?" Sans blinked and opened his mouth to reply. He hadn't realized that Izuku could already see things like Execution Points and Level of Violence. "Well?" Katsuki asked, "what are you hesitating for?"


After that explanation, Sans called it quits for the day to let them process. Especially knowing Katsuki had a couple LV himself. He was pretty sure Izuku knew it too, by the way he'd looked at him. Sans wasn't really gonna pry, he'd had plenty of LV back during the resets, and though it had all been erased time and again, he still struggled sometimes with the residual affects of those timelines. Besides, it didn't seem like Katsuki had actually killed anyone. Just hurt someone bad enough to make his EXP raise into LV. Izuku was still free of both, which didn't surprise Sans too much. That would change, though. Heroing wasn't easy. People would get hurt, and sometimes, difficult choices had to be made for the betterment of others. Sans doubted there was a hero out there that didn't have at least a little EXP. Even Shota did, though he doubted Shota knew what that even was. Speaking of Shota, though, it was time to find his lover and see what was up in homeroom class. Sans took a shortcut to his boyfriend and snuggled on top of his sleeping bag, tempted to join him in nap time.


Evening came around when Shota woke up, Sans was latched on tight and snoring in his sleep. Shota couldn't help the soft laughter that escaped before he tried to pry his sleepy boyfriend off so he could wiggle out. Sans rolled down the sleeping bag, and though he tried to keep a straight face, Sans couldn't stop smiling. "Good morning, sleeping beauty." Shota mused. "good evening, to you too... you must've slept well." Sans replied as he rubbed the sleep out of his sockets. "Unbelievably so." Shota replied as he rolled up his sleeping bag. "How was class? And training?" As soon as Sans winced, Shota knew he was in for something troubling, yet... "it went well. beyond well, actually. the boys are learning at an unbelievably fast pace." Sans stated proudly. Shota could understand why. He was proud of his students, too. "But?" Sans' smile fell. "their check is advanced enough to see exp and love." Before Shota could ask what that was, Sans was explaining. "what's exp it's an acronym. it stands for "execution points." a way of quantifying the pain you have inflicted on others. when you have enough exp, your love increases. love, too, is an acronym. it stands for "level of violence." a way of measuring someone's capacity to hurt. the more you distance yourself, the less you will hurt. the more easily you can bring yourself to hurt others. and katsuki has love."


Shota immediately decided that was a conversation better had at home. Upon coming in, Sans and Shota saw Papyrus in his new hero costume. It kinda reminded Sans of Tenya's 'Ingenium' costume, bright silvery looking armor with a red cape rather than his signature scarf. There was a belt full of bone attacks around his waist. He really was the Shining Knight Hero: Chivalry. Sans believed it fit his brother well... unfortunately, he'd have to save the praise for later as Shota led him to the bedroom and closed the door behind him. "You said Katsuki has love. What does that mean, exactly?" He asked Sans as soon as they settled on their bed. "it's not particularly good..." Sans replied. "most of the kids have little to no exp and no love whatsoever, so katsuki and shoto for that matter having love is a little worrying." Shota leaned into him. "What do you think we should do?"


There wasn't anything they could do. Just watch and hope for the best. Sans knew Katsuki was explosive in his anger and that was dangerous with love. Shoto on the other hand had the soul traits of patience and obedience which already made him distant and harder to read. He could be just as dangerous with love. Sans honestly didn't know yet if it would end in disaster, but for now, he had to believe the boys would continue to control that love as they had been for a while now. If Sans recalled correctly, both failed their exams because of that little bit of lv, but there hadn't been much issues since. Maybe they realized it self-consciously. Sans shook himself out of thought. "we watch and wait." He finally replied before heading out to see his bro. "heh, looking great, chivalry!" Sans praised and Papyrus beamed so brightly. "I AM FINALLY A GUARD! A HERO GUARD!!!" Sans chuckled and gave him a thumbs up. "yeah you are, and ya got a cool name to match." Papyrus nodded quickly. "I DO, NYEH HEH HEH HEH!!! A GREAT NAME FOR THE GREAT PAPYRUS!!!" Sans couldn't agree more.

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