Wind Down

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Sans slept peacefully after a night of fast food and story swapping. He told everyone all sorts of good memories he'd had with his dad and Grillby alike. He'd explained how his dad had 'died' the first time and how Grillby had taken he and Papyrus in after since they had been good friends. He told them of times when he'd go to Grillby for advice and when he would go just for fun after he'd grown up. How he missed those times. Despite the sad vibe at the time, though, everything had felt lighter after. His dad's had been properly mourned as they had deserved, and it helped Sans more than he'd ever realized. He felt good when he woke up. Good and cuddly. He scooched as close to his boyfriend as he could and nuzzled into him. Shota grumbled sleepily and tugged Sans closer to him in his sleep. Sans started to purr happily. They were like that for a good three hours before Shota started waking up himself. Sans was in a blissful half asleep, half awake state, but immediately opened a socket when he felt Shota. "Mm... morning Sans..." Shota mumbled. "good morning, babe..." Sans replied, and Shota couldn't help smiling. Sans seemed a lot better now.


Nezu gave the class a day off to recover from the jet lag and the celebration of life. Sans didn't mind having the day off, he had actually missed Japan. Papyrus was gone when Sans and Shota got out of bed as noonish. The note he left behind said that he, Alphys, and Undyne were going to talk to Nezu about hero work. "seems paps made us breakfast spaghetti for lunch - he didn't throw us to the wolves." Sans joked as he put the note down to fetch the spaghetti from the fridge. "Your brother is a miracle worker... I don't think I could cook again after having him as long as we have." Shota replied as he started a fresh pot of coffee. Sans barked out in laughter. "yeah- no kidding - why do you think i can't cook?" Sans jabbed a fork in Shota's direction while he put the spaghetti in the microwave to heat up. Shota chuckled and poured two cups of coffee for Sans and himself. "Valid point, skeleton. That would certainly do it." Shota mused. Sans plated the spaghetti and went to eat with his lover.


They cuddled and napped on the couch for a while. Relaxing after the week long trip. Soon, they would have to go back to work - hell, they would have to go back to heroing tonight, but for now, they could relax. Eventually, Sans suggested the pool - cool off before work. Shota agreed  after a little convincing, and the boys went to change. This time, Sans didn't hide as he changed. He was still nervous, of course, but Shota had seen it before. It was fine, even if his face was on fire with blush. Shota was respectful enough not to stare, knowing this was big for him. It wasn't spoken of after either as they headed to the school to the pool. The first thing Sans did was walk right on in. Literally. He didn't jump in. He didn't dive, and he stepped off the ledge and into the deep end. "Sans -" Shota ran over to see if he was ok - but Sans only smiled and waved from where he sat at the bottom of the pool. Shota supposed that being a skeleton, that was probably normal. Shota chuckled and shook his head before diving in after him.


They chased each other in the water for a while before they went to rest. Shota laid on one of the beach chairs, letting the sun warm him up while Sans lay on top of him, letting his cheek rest against Shota's chest. Shota didn't mind the shirt that stuck to his skin. Sans was happy, purring out. Shota pet his skull, lulling him to sleep. When he fell asleep, only then did Shota pick him up and bundle him into a towel, taking Sans to the car to go home and sleep before work. He knew he would have to wake Sans so he could change into dry clothes, but for now he was content to let his little skeleton sleep. He took Sans home and inside to see Papyrus and Undyne working on their hero uniforms. They didn't seem to notice them come in and Shota didn't mind as he carried Sans to the bed. "Sans... Sans, time to wake up... we are home..." Shota helped the sleepy boy change and get into the bed. They cuddled once again after he was done changing, ready to sleep until work.

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