Sans' First Lesson

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Sans decided to follow Shota and watch him teach today. Sans waited patiently outside the door while the teacher went inside to settle the class. "Alright everyone. Someone will be sitting in today. He's very new to our way of life and very new to teaching, so I want you all to be on your best behavior. Got it?" Sans heard a chorus of 'ok' and 'yes sir's from the class before Shota gestured for him to go inside. Sans sauntered in, looking at the frankly more than surprised class. Sans recognized their souls a bit. They were the last souls he felt before he officially woke up. A guy with glasses hand shot up. "in answer to questions you may have, yes i'm a monster and yes you did see me in that crystal. after a long time, i just woke up so i'm still learning about your customs. my name is sans the skeleton, it's nice to meetcha." Sans introduced himself and cleared up some confusion there was. The kid lowered his hand. "Sans may be becoming a teacher here soon, so he's taking some pointers here. Because of this, we are postponing a few class events."


Sans sat in the back as they went through hypothetical hero scenarios in class. Sans was trying to pay attention, but something was bugging him. A soul in the room, specifically. While he was getting used to these meta-souls one seemed to still be... developing? The greenhaired kid should've finished his soul development a long time ago, an average humans soul finished development at the age of twelve and the souls of everyone else was fine, but his seemed to be almost... gaining superhuman abilities? It wasn't fully irregular. It threw Sans for a loop, definitely. "Alright then. The rest of the period you can use to your leisure, get to know Sans or do homework, I don't care, just don't wake me up." With that Shota crawled into his yellow sleeping back and flopped to the floor. And Sans thought he was the lazy one... Sans rose from the seat he was in as all attention turned to him. "So wow! Your like a living breathing skeleton?!"
"Is it true you use real magic?"
"So if I stuck my hand through you, there would be no resistance?"
"What will you be teaching?" Sans had his work cut out for him now.


Sans took his time answering their questions. "yep, i'm one hundred percent skeleton and you can, in fact, stick your hand through me, though i don't recommend it. that's, uh, not a fun experience for me. i can also use magic rather than quirks." In a show of his magic, he took a shortcut to the whiteboard, letting a marker drift into his phalanges. "Where did he-" The class grew confused at Sans disappearance until he spoke up again. "as for my subject of study, it will be on souls. at least as far as i heard." They awed over his little magic act, one kid in particular muttering as he started writing in his notebook. "Souls? Can we have a demonstration?" Sans shrugged. "i guess i can give a basic rundown. we can go into detail if this class becomes official." He turned to the whiteboard and drew three hearts. One upside down, the other two right-side up. "The fuck are those for?" A blonde male questioned. "ya want to learn, i need a visual." Sans replied as he started to pattern one of the souls.


He tapped at the whiteboard. "these three hearts are actually souls. i want you to guess which soul is monster, which is human, and which is superhuman." Sans stepped away to give them a chance. "I wonder why this one is upside down...?" The greenhaired kid muttered. "This is the superhuman soul." A duel haired boy pointed to the marked soul. "Which would make the plain one a human soul and the upside down one a monster soul." Sans nodded approvingly. "how did you tell?" Sans asked. "Well it's safe to assume that human and superhuman souls would have a similar appearance. Superhuman souls would likely be more advanced than a normal human's soul." Sans nodded. It was definitely logical. "well then. in answer to your question, the reason why monster souls are upside down is actually to better access their magic. magic is everything to a monster. it holds our forms together, helps us in everyday life. we lack physical matter and something we call determination. without those, a monsters soul can't persist if a monster dies and they fall away to dust. humans, however have both lots of physical matter and determination. they can persist after death. as for superhumans... i'm still learning, actually." Sans shrugged as the bell rang for class to end.


Sans determined that he liked the students and he could see now why Tori wanted to be a teacher. The kids were bright, eager to learn. He could get used to teaching them all about souls, soul traits, determination, and all the matters revolving around the topic. "How was your first day?" Nezu asked when Sans and Shota stopped by his office. "it was pretty good, actually. i think i might just like it here after all." Shota suppressed a sleepy yawn. "he's a natural at teaching too, i actually stayed awake for his lesson." Sans looked at Shota. "you were awake?" The pro nodded. "I was curious about you as well, so I stayed awake." He confirmed. "I see. Does this mean you have your answer then Sans?" The Skeleton hesitated and nodded. "yeah... it's worth trying out, this teacher gig. i'll need to earn some g somehow." The two looked at him. "Was G your currency in the Underground?" Sans rubbed the back of his skull in embarrassment. "uh, yeah heh... sorry bout that." Nezu waved it off. "I'll have to prepare a time for your class, have a good night, gentlemen."

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