Questions and Explainations

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Sans shuffled over to the chair at the other side of the monster's(?) desk and flopped into it with a quiet noise of complaint as he did so. He was starving, exhausted, and confused and he needed help freeing his friends and clearing things up. "I don't believe I've seen you around the school before, how'd you get here?" Sans shrugged sluggishly. He glanced at the creature again, checking him.


ATK: 2

DEF: 2

HP: 20

LV: 1

Wants what is best for his students and school. Curious and weary. Will attack if necessary, but doesn't see the need.

Species: Experimented Animal

Sans blinked in confusion. "what...?" Nezu looked at Sans with slight concern. "Are you alright? And could you please put down your hood? It is hard to see you with it on."
"i... i'm confused." Sans replied as grabbed his hoodie and pulled it down. He felt just as threatened by Nezu as Nezu was of him. "i just woke up here from... i guess from that giant crystal? has it really been... 134 years...? my friends... can we free them..?" Nezu sucked in a breath. He wasn't really expecting one of them to wake up yet.


Nezu had Sans stay put while he went to get the poor monster some food. There was no doubt that Sans was confused. Last he'd seen of the world humans didn't have quirks and talking nonmagical animals didn't exist. If even that. "Ah Aizawa!" The animal caught the pro's attention as he was leaving his students to Hizashi. "Could you have Lunch Rush make something and bring it to my office immediately?" Aizawa sighed and nodded. "Yeah sure... any particular reason why?" Nezu smiled and held up a paw. "You shall see when you get to my office!" With that the animal promptly turned and walked back to where Sans was left. The Skeleton had his head down at Nezu's desk, looking dead to the world. "Sans, are you alright?" He didn't even stir. Nezu climbed onto his desk to shake the guy. Sans groaned and lifted his head to look blearily at the Principal. "Sorry for disturbing your sleep, but your food is on its way and I figured I should answer some of your questions, yes?" The whiteish blue lights in Sans eyes seemed to glow a bit brighter as he regained focus and sat up.


"That crystal is the only thing that has kept you alive for the past 134 years, so no we cannot wake them yet. Not until we are certain that they will live. Honestly I didn't think you were going to wake up yet yourself, so perhaps it will be soon. May I ask how you four got to be in there in the first place?" The question earned Nezu another shrug. "i dunno. the barrier was being broken by the young Prince, then there was a white light. next thing i know, i'm in that little lab.." Sans furrowed his bone brows as he thought on what happened. "I see... perhaps it was a sort of drawback from the barrier breaking then..." Nezu muttered. "what happened to everyone? the rest of monsterkind?" Nezu was about to respond before there was a knock on the door. "Perhaps a question for after you eat. Come in Aizawa!" The pro came in with a hotpot and a few sticks of yakitori, freezing and dropping it as he spotted the Skeleton. Lucky for them, there was no way Sans was letting that go to waste and caught it all with his magic, gesturing for it to come to him. It took a lot more focus then he remembered, but he figured it was due to his low magic reserves. "careful there now buddy. don't want something that smells as amazing as this to go to waste.


It took a few tries and some instruction to use the chopsticks, otherwise Sans devoured the meal in less than five minutes. It felt weird getting stared at while he was eating, surely they'd seen a monster before, right? He tried to sense for a monster soul again, frowning when he came up empty. He had a bad feeling about this... "Sans?" He turned back to Nezu. "What are you doing?" The Principal asked, curious. "i don't feel any monster souls at all... not even papyrus, alphys, and undyne's... your lab must have traces of iridium in it." The man, Shota Aizawa Sans learned via check, looked confused. "Iridium?"
"magic repellent of sorts. monsters laced their cuffs with iridium so the offending monster couldn't use their magic." Sans looked at Nezu with a serious expression. "what happened to my race?"
"... I'm afraid that aside from the four of you... your kind has gone extinct."


On the outside Sans seemed fine, accepting of that fact even. But on the inside he was breaking down. Extinct? Monsters were practically extinct?! Grillby, Toriel, Asgore, the Dog Guard, all of them gone... "how did they..."
"The sudden lack of magic is what the studies have showed." Nezu replied sympathetically. Sans had questions that Nezu couldn't answer, so he kept them to himself. "I'm sure this is a lot for you, Sans. There is more though." Sans gave Nezu an uncertain look. "more..?" Nezu nodded. "Many monster and human couples have formed, creating hybrids. These hybrids have had children, their children have had children, etc, etc. Over the years the magic the hybrids had had evolved and mutated into something we call quirks. We are a superhuman population now, with 80% of it possessing some uncanny ability or another." Sans sockets widened. "oh, so thats why.."
"That's why what?" Aizawa urged. "when i woke up, i was looking for a familiar soul... but all the souls... they looked strange and unfamiliar to me. not human, not monster." Nezu and Aizawa exchanged curious looks. "Well. The day is coming to an end, you'll need a place to sleep. Shota, I don't suppose..." The teacher nodded immediately. "He can crash at my place until housing is figured out." Guess that was that. Sans wasn't sure he could handle a whole lot more anyway. He had a lot on his mind. Sans followed Aizawa as they left the Principal's office, pulling up his hood again as he did so.

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