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Marie yawns as she walks behind Steve into school. Late last night, after she had gotten home from the search party, he had shown up at her window. He apologized for how he treated her friendship with Eddie that day.

Marie was so tired she didn't really care, she did however let him know that he was indeed her best friend. Eddie was her friend.

So as they walked into school that morning, her cup of coffee that Steve made sure she had, in her hand, she quickly began looking for Eddie. She had completely forgotten about the homework the day before, and on the way to school that morning she quickly copied Eddie's answers.

"Steve, I'm going to find Eddie." She tells him, and Steve nods his head.

She pushes through some people in the hallways, and catches a glimpse of Eddie's hair.

"Eddie!" She says over people's voice, and when he turns his head to see who called his name he smiles at Marie.

She's waving his paper in the air, and pushing people out of the way. She even hands her coffee cup over to one of them, and continues her way to Eddie.

"Thanks again for letting me use your answers, though I completely forgot about the homework until about five minutes before I got here." She tells him as she hands him his paper back.

"Stay out late last night?" He asks her, and she smiles.

"Search party for Will Byers, Hopper didn't drop me off at home until fifteen after twelve." She says to Eddie, and he nods his head.

"So they still haven't found the kid?" He asks her and she shakes her head.

"I'm beginning to think he might not be alive, but since we talk to Joyce so often we have to be optimistic. It's hard." She confides in Eddie, and he places a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, he's alive. You guys will find him, and bring him home." He reassures her, and she smiles at him.

"Thanks, I really needed to hear that." She glances up at him, and the bell for first period rings out.

"I better go, hopefully I see you in second period." She tells him, and she smiles.

"Yeah, hopefully." They part ways as the bell rings again, she smiles wider as she makes her way to first period.


She had actually made it through a day of school, without Hopper pulling her out. However she did not see Jonathan at all, which slightly worried her.

"Hey so are you coming to my party tonight?" Steve's voice pulled her from her thoughts, and she turned to looked at him.

"That's tonight?" She asks him, and Tommy who had been standing next to Steve nodded his head.

"Shit, I forgot. I ended up pulling the graveyard shift at the station." She tells them, and Steve groans.

"I'm sorry okay, Hopper would kill me if I skipped for a party. So pour one out for me." She tells the two boys, and they nod their heads.

Nancy Wheeler was standing at Steve's car, and Marie looks at him.

"Sorry, forgot to tell you I was dropping Nance off. Mind riding with Tommy today?" He asks her, and she shrugs.

"Tommy!" When the boy turned to look at Marie.

"Mind dropping me off at the station?" She asks and he shrugs.

The drive to the station was quiet, Tommy and Marie did not speak to one another. Marie actually doesn't like Tommy, she doesn't mind him, she just doesn't like him. So when he pulled in front of the police station, she quickly said goodbye to him and hopped out.

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