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"Henderson, you and Mike with me!" Hopper yells at the two kids, Marie nods her head and grabs Mike. Hopper had placed Will in the backseat of Jonathan's car, and started to make his way to his Police Truck.

Mike was the first to the passenger side door, and opened it. He looked at Marie and she pulled the seat forward, and he hopped in the back. She then pushed the seat back and jumped in, Hopper was quick to get it started.

They made their way down the road when Jonathan flew through the gate, and she saw Lucas and Max move.

"Hopper." She points to them, and he stops when they get to the gate.

Marie jumps out of the truck and pulled the the seat forward again, and turns back to the group. Seeing her little brother, Lucas, Max, and Steve. Who had a smile on his face when he noticed his best friend.

"Get in! Now!" She yells and the kids jumped in the back with Mike. Pushing the seat back to how it's suppose to go, she turned to Steve.

"You coming?" She asked, and he nodded getting in the truck. Sliding in next to Hopper, and Marie sliding in next to Steve.

"Go!" Steve and Marie yelled at Hopper at the same time. It was quiet for a couple minutes before Mike spoke up.

"Bob died didn't he." He says, and Marie stiffens up. Steve notices this, and looked at Hopper, who had a sad look in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, kid. He did." Hopper answered, and Marie looked down at her lap. Tears brimming her eyes, and she was silent. Steve reached over and grabbed her hand, and she squeezed his back.

He knew she was scared, and he knew that he'd do anything to protect her. So he pulled his hand from hers and wrapped it around her shoulders, and she relaxed into him.

Dustin watched from the backseat and smiled as he finally saw them allowing their true emotions show. He saw Steve's hand brushing through Marie's hair, and how she seemed so relaxed finally being with Steve.


Marie was sat at the kitchen table with the kids, Steve standing behind her chair. He hadn't left her side since they came back from the lab. Max thought it was sweet that he wanted to protect her, but then there was Nancy who was confused by his sudden need to do so.

"They didn't believe you, did they?" Dustin spoke to Hopper, and Marie looked up at the man. Hopper was worried for the teen girl, but he was happy she had Steve.

"We'll see." Is what he says to Dustin. Marie nods her head at the man, but Mike seems to have an issue with his statement.

""We'll see?" We can't just sit here while those things are loose!" He yells as Marie sighs and closes her eyes. Understanding Mike frustration about the situation that they were currently in.

"We stay here, and we wait for help." Hopper says as he walks down the hall to where Joyce was in her room.

The group in the kitchen went silent, and Marie leaned back a bit in her seat. She felt Steve's presence above her head, and she looked up at him. He smiled down at her, and she nodded her head.

"I could've used you in there." She says to him, and he gives her a nod.

"I know, and I could've used you out here." He says to her, and she chuckles. She looks down at her lap and stands up from her chair, and turns to look at Steve. She grabbed his hand and lead him to the front porch.

When they were outside she turned to look at her best friend.

"Honestly, what I'm about to say is all because Hopper told me to tell you." Marie says to him, and she sighs.

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