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"I see you've been looking for me, Marie." The voice fills her ears, and when she opens her eyes she notices shes in the hospital.

It was from the year prior, when the Mind Flayer attacked Nancy and Jonathan.

"You were so close. So close to the truth." The voice makes Marie jump, and she turns to look down the hall where she can see him standing.

She stares at him.

"Your friends went to see old, blind, dumb Victor. I wonder if he missed me?" He says as he begins to make his way down the hallway towards Marie, and she takes steps back.

"I've been meaning to check back in, but I've been busy. So very busy." Vecna says to her, and she turns and makes a run for it down the hallway. 

She runs into a doorway that is boarded up, and she begins to tear the boards off. She wants out of this place, and now.

She tries and tries to get out but she can't, when she ends up in the front yard of the Creel House. Marie looks around, and she can see the Creel Family getting out of the car.

"This is amazing."

"It looks like a fairy tale. A dream."

Marie could see the family getting ready to enter the house for the first time, and she followed them. Wanting to see what Vecna was wanting to show her, why was this being shown?

"Alice, no running!" She could hear Victor Creel say to his daughter, and Marie looked to see the little girl running through the house. 

It was almost like how she did when they moved into the house they currently live in when they first moved to Hawkins.

"It's so big!" The little girl responded, and Marie could feel a smile making it's way onto her face.

"I didn't fit in with the other children. Something was wrong with me." Vecna's voice fills her ears again, and she's in the backyard with the little boy.

"All the teachers and the doctors said I was... Broken.. they said." Marie watched the little boy, as he sat in the grass in front of something.

"My parents thought a change of scenery, a fresh start in Hawkins, might just cure me." 

Marie couldn't believe what she was seeing, but what she didn't know was how her friends were reacting to her being in this state.

"Marie, can you hear me?" Steve's voice was full of concern. His hands were on her shoulders, he had been shaking her trying to get her to wake up.

He wanted to see her hazel eyes again, not the whites that were staring back at him in this moment. 

"What's going on up there!" Steve yelled as he looked up to meet Dustin's eyes.

Dustin hadn't moved since his sister entered the state she was in. It was almost like he couldn't believe he had to see this again, and she wasn't waking up as easily as she had in the bathroom.

Back to Marie staring as the scene changed in front of her again, she watched the Creel Family live their life.

"He was arrested, blamed for the death of my sister and mother, just as I had planned. But I was far from free. I woke up from my coma only to find myself placed in the care of a doctor." Vecna told Marie.

She had just watched his entire family die, other than his father. All at his hands because he could, and she had her hand placed over her mouth trying not to cry.

Why was he showing her all of this? Why did he think she deserved to see this side of his story?

"The very doctor I hoped to escape. Dr. Martin Brenner." Vecna's voice fills her ears again, and she couldn't understand why he was showing her all of this.

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