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"Marie! Time for school!" Her mother's voice wakes both Marie and Robin, Robin jumped up from the sleeping bag she was in on the floor and Marie popped up from her bed.

"Shit, we overslept." Marie says as she looks at her alarm clock, and Robin is frantically getting her clothes ready for the day.

"Steve's going to be here soon to pick me up!" She said as she grabbed her pants and ran into the bathroom across the hall from Marie's room, and Marie was quick to start grabbing clothes to wear for the day.

She could hear footsteps coming closer to her room, and her door started to open.

"Stop! I'm naked!" She yelled out, and whoever was opening her door stopped, and she finished getting dressed and flung the door open to meet eyes with Steve.

Steve and Marie hadn't spoke much since she broke up with him, so as he stared down at her he couldn't help but wish they were still together. But he knew that they weren't, and that he would never know the real reason she broke up with him.

Marie's hair was longer than it had been the last year, but she had added some side bangs. Her eyes were usually covered in darker shades of eyeshadow, and Steve could see she had slept in her makeup the night prior, and he glanced down to her shirt. 

She was wearing a Metalica shirt, along with black flare jeans. He had noticed the shift in her clothing when she started dating Eddie, but he never said anything about it. He thought it was strange that she had changed so much while dating the metal head.

"Where's Robin?" Was all he asked, and before Marie could answer Robin came flying out of the bathroom and back into Marie's room. Marie smile, and turned back to go in her room.

"Right there." Marie said, and she turned to go back into her room. Steve stayed in her doorway, looking around the room, he could see the band posters and celebrity posters. Her room was a lot messier than it ever was when they were together, and her backpack sat ontop of her desk.

"You coming to the game tonight?" Marie asked Steve, trying not to make it awkward with him just standing there.

"Yeah, I plan on going, maybe bring a date." He says back to her, and Marie nodded her head. Robin watched the two interact, she was still silently rooting for them. She was definitely their biggest supporter, and Marie knew, but Steve couldn't.

"I've got to go, or else Nance will have my head on a fucking stick." Marie said as she grabbed a jacket off the back of her dresser, and turned to look at Steve.

"Why would she have your head on a stick?" He asked her, and she smirked.

"You try working for her, she's the biggest pain in my ass." Marie tells him. 

Marie had joined the newspaper club a few weeks into her senior year, Nancy was excited to have her friend join her club, but Marie realized she didn't enjoy it as much as she wanted, but she needed something to do.

Marie had quit the internship the year prior to actually enjoy her summer, and after Hopper died she honestly thought about going back. But Powell said that they had gotten rid of the program because they didn't want a kid hanging around the precient anymore.

Marie had taken in hard, and in an instance asked around to see if she could join a club at school. Nancy was the only one who seemed to actually be friendly enough to join.

"I bet, she's real peculiar about how the front page of the paper looks." Robin says, and Marie nods her head.

"Now, not to cramp you guys. But could I get a ride to school?" Marie asks her ex, and he looks at Robin who was wearing this big ass grin on her face, and he knew he couldn't say no.

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