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Marie watched as an oar came down and hit the bat that had been wrapped around her throat, and she glanced to see who had hit the bat. The curls were soaked, and so were his clothes, and Marie felt a wave relief fill her.

Eddie stood above her, she was so happy to see him. But the piercing pain that was ripping through her sides cut that happiness short, and she screamed again. The bats digging their fangs into the meat on her ribs.

Eddie is quick to start hitting the bats on her sides, and she was wiggling away from them, and she turned to make sure Steve was okay. She watched as he grabbed a bat and bit it, ripping it's head off and then tossing it over his shoulder and stomped his foot on it ripping the tail off the body.

Marie was amazed by this, Eddie was as well. But he shook off his amazment and helped his girlfriend up off the ground, and when she looked up at him she had tears in her eyes.

Eddie was quick to hold her tight to him, and she winced at the action, but she didn't care. She was just happy to know that she and Steve were not dead from those stupid bats.

"Are you okay?" Marie heard Nancy asks Steve, and she turns her head and looks at her ex, and he's staring down at his exposed chest and stomach.

"Well, they took about a pound of flesh. But other than that, yeah, never better." Steve says, and Marie looks down to her sides. She could feel the blood leaving her body as she stood up against Eddie, and she placed one of her hands on her side and pulled it back to see the blood covering it.

"Uh, do you guys think these bats have, like, rabies?" Robin asks, and Marie looked at her friend, she felt that her eyes were wide and she began to worry.

"What?" Marie asks with a bit of fear lacing her voice.

"It's just that rabies are, like, my number one greatest fear. And I think that we shouuld get you guys to a doctor soon because once symptoms set in, it's too late. You're already dead." Robin says to her friends, and before Steve or Marie could answer her they hear the ear-piercing screams of the bats.

Marie and Eddie walked over to the small group of friends, all turning to look towards the sound. When the red lightening went off in the sky they saw a small amount of the bats.

"All right. There's not that many. We can take 'em." Steve says, and Marie looks at him, and then back at the bats.

"Right?" Marie says, and when a second strike of the red lightening struck they saw a huge swarm of bats coming there way, and Marie felt fear trickle down her spine.

"You were saying?" Robin says, and Marie nodded her head. Nancy began to look around, trying to find a way for them to get out of this situation.

"The woods. Come on." Nancy says to her friends, and they all begin to run. Marie knew that she wouldn't be able to run for long because of the injuries she sustained, but she did so.

She wanted to find a way out of here, and as she looked around she felt scared. Like she couldn't believe she was really in the Upside Down, she couldn't believe Will had been here three years prior.

Marie felt the blood continue to pour from her side wounds, and she knew that if they didn't stop soon she would probably pass out. She glanced at Steve, who was in front of the group with Nancy, she thought he looked fine.

Eddie noticed that the group was going towards Skull Rock, and he was quick to grab Marie's hand to make sure she was following. She gave him a glance, and he noticed the vacant look in her eyes. Something was off.

Robin sat down first, Nancy followed. Steve stood against the side of the rock, and Marie slumped against it. Eddie watched her carefully.


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