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Hopper, Joyce, Mike and Jonathan came barreling through the back door. Hopper had Will slung over his shoulder and he brought him over to the couch and placed him down.

"Hey. Hey, get away from the windows!" He yelled at all the kids who had run to the window to see the dogs.

Hopper had a rifle in his hand and he looked at Jonathan, and held the gun out for him.

"Do you know how to use this?" He asked the boy, and Jonathan looked very confused.


"Can you use this?" He shook his head at Hopper's question this time around, and Nancy stepped in front of him.

"I can." She grabs the gun from Hopper and Steve grabbed Marie's hand pulling her behind him. To which Marie grabbed Dustin and pulled him behind her, keeping him safe.

The screeching continued, and Marie looked around at all the windows in the living room. Hearing the screeching coming from every side of the house.

"Where are they?" Max asked the group, and they all didn't answer her. They didn't know, and they were scared to answer. So as Marie held onto Steve's arm, she felt this over growing sense of calm come over her.

All of a sudden they heard the thing screeching again, and before they could even blink the thing came flying through the window. Marie jumped back and turned with Steve to look at the thing.

"Holy shit. Is it dead?" Dustin asked, and when the door unlocked by itself Marie felt her eyes widen. Watching as the door opened slowly they all just stood there.

Then Eleven walked in the house. Her eyes were covered in black makeup, her hair was slicked back with gel, and she wore clothes that Marie would wear.

"Eleven." Mike says as he walks closer to her, and Eleven nodded at him.


"I never gave up on you. I called you every night. Every night for..."

"353 days. I heard."

"Why didn't you tell me you were there? That you were okay?"

"Because Hopper wouldn't let her." Marie stepped forward, and Eleven flung herself at the young girl. Marie held her close to her, and felt someone come up to them, and both girls looked up at Hopper.

Eleven hugged him, and Marie backed away to Steve once again. Steve was quick to wrap his free arm around her shoulders, and she leaned her head against his shoulder.

"How long have you known?" Dustin looked up at his big sister, wondering how he knew Hopper had been hiding Eleven.

"I found out right before Halloween. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Dustin." She tells her little brother, and he hugs her. This surprises her, she thought that he'd be angry with her for hiding his friend.

"It's okay, you were keeping me safe." He says to her, and she pulls away from Steve to hold her little brother closer.

Hopper and Mike had walked away to another room to talk when Elevn walked over to Lucas and Dustin.

"We missed you." Lucas says to her, and she smiled.

"I missed you, too."

'We talked about you pretty much every day." Dustin starts talking to Eleven, and she seems taken aback from his new set of teeth.

"Teeth." She says, and he cocks his head to the side.


"You have teeth." She says to the kid, and he smirks.

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