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Marie walked out of Steve's bathroom in nothing but his shirt, and he was still laid in bed. He was asleep, but she had to be back at the house to greet Dustin when he got home from camp. As Marie made her way over to the bed, she began to poke Steve's cheek.

"Babe, babe." She whispers to him, and his eyes began to flutter. She smiled when he opened one eye and looked at her before he groaned.

"Why?" Steve says to her, and she leans down to place her forehead against his head.

"Dustin gets home today, and my mom wants me home to greet him with the rest of the kids." She says, and he closes his eyes again.

"Do you have to go?" He asked, and she leaned back and stood up off the bed.

"Yes I do. You knew of this plan and agreed to it." She says to him, and he groans as he rolls over onto his back, and she smiles.

"Come on and get up, so that we can get done with our day. Just to end up back here in bed." She says to him, and he smiles at her sentence.

So he rolled out of bed and the two of them began to get ready for the day, and when she wasn't looking Steve just stared at her in awe. Wondering how he had actually got her. He was amazed that they had actually went from friends to lovers, and how amazing that the relationship was. So he smiled, and went back to what he was doing.

Marie then looked over at him just as amazed as Steve was about how they worked, how they went from being best friends to dating. She was still not sure about if they would work out, and that was always on the back of her mind, but she shook her head and continued to get ready.


Marie stood next to Max and Lucas as they waited for Dustin to make his way out from his bedroom, Mike looked over at her and she nodded her head. They could hear Dustin walking into the living room, and then the toys stopped moving, and the group began to creep out from their hiding spot.

Once they were behind Dustin they all blew on their noisemakers, and Dustin screamed, and turned around and sprayed Lucas in the face with hairspray, which then caused Lucas to scream.

Marie is the one to hurriedly ran to grab the hairspray from Dustin, and when she did he looked at her.

"We were trying to surprise you! For the love of God!" Marie says to her little brother, and he looks at his friends who at this point are making sure Lucas is alright.

"I thought you guys forgot..." He says in barely a whisper, and Marie shakes her head.

"No, we didn't. We wanted to make sure you had a good homecoming, and you ruined it." Marie says to him, and Dustin feels bad at this point. Marie could see it on her little brother's face, and she pulls him in for a hug.

"Hey it's okay, next time we surprise you we won't use El's powers." Marie says to her little brother, and he looked up at her.

"Okay, thanks." He says to her, and she kisses the top of his head. Then walked over to Lucas, and grabbed his arm.

"Come on, let's go to the kitchen." She says to him, and Max followed the two of them. Marie is quick to lead him to the sink, and turned the water on, and made the teen boy lean down.

"Just keep his eyes under the water, periodically take his eyes out and dab them with a paper towel. Okay?" She says to Max, and Max nods her head.

"I've got to go and get ready for work, okay." She then walks out the kitchen and walks to her room, hearing the kids talking and catching up in Dustin's room, she smiles.

Everything had felt like it was perfect, like they hadn't experienced the last two years. Like the Upside Down had never happened. So as she grabbed her lifeguard suit, her sunglasses, and her keys to the house, she looked at herself in the mirror. She looked healthier than she had in a while, her hair was longer, and her eyes looked happy.

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