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It wasn't long before the hoard of kids ran to the elevator. The receptionist yelled after them, but Marie ignored them. They were in too much of a rush to listen to her.

Once they were all in the elevator, they looked at one another. They didn't know what they were going to see when they got up there, and Marie didn't know if she wanted to know what was up there.

When the elevator doors opened, they noticed how dark it was. Marie was the first to step out, and she looked both ways. Then heard Jonathan yelling, and she began to run towards his voice.

She came to a halt outside the emergency exit, and looked at the kids and they all nodded their heads. She opened the door, hearing Jonathan screaming. She could almost feel the fear that was in his voice, and she was worried.

When the busted the door open to the floor below the one they had gotten off on, she could see Jonathan at the end of the hallway beating on the door. She and the kids ran down to him, and he turned to Marie.

"That thing is in there with her!" He screamed at her, and she felt El push them aside, and the door was busted open. Marie and Jonathan stood there staring at this thing, and Marie felt like she was going to throw up.

It looked like human flesh, like something out of horror movie. Nancy was cornered by the thing, and Marie felt the fear. El pointed her hands out at the thing, and flung in against the walls. Back and forth, twice, before throwing the damn thing out the window.

"Nancy!" Jonathan called out to his girlfriend, and Marie watched as she  clung to the boy. 

"Are you okay? Are you okay?" He began to ask her, and she just clung to him and cried.

"What the fuck did we just see?" Marie asked, and all the kids just looked at her. They had no clue what they had seen either, and they were all as perplexed as her.

"I'll drive, I know where we can go." Marie looks at Jonathan and Nancy, and Nancy nods her head. Her once simple makeup was smeared down her face, and Jonathan helped her stand up.

"Come on." Marie says to the kids, and she walks down the hallway to the emergency exit again. She knew that if they walked through the actual hospital hallways people would look at the like they were crazy.

So she led the down the stairs, and found the back exit. One by one they made their way outside, and to Nancy's car. Marie opened the drivers door, and everyone got in. Nancy and Jonathan sat all the way in the back, and Mike sat up front with Marie.

Marie started the car, and gave a glance back at Nancy. She looked so scared, and Marie couldn't help but understand the fear. So as she drove to Hoppers cabin she felt the need to constantly to check on Nancy.


Marie was laid out on the couch in Hopper's living room, Lucas was sat on the couch by her feet, Mike was pacing in front El's door, and Max was sitting in the chair.

Marie had her eyes closed, but she knew she wouldn't be able to get any sleep. She felt to alive, too wired to do so. But she also wished she could, because Mike and Max arguing was really starting to piss her off.

"It can't be good for her to be in there this long." Mike says, and Marie peeked one eye open. Max rolled her eyes, and Lucas glanced at Marie.

"Mike, you need to relax." Max says to him, and he stops and stares at her.

"What if she gets brain damage or something?" Mike asked, and Marie shut her eye again, and took a deep breath.

"Oh, shit. Is that, like, a real thing?" Lucas asked, and Marie opened both eyes at this point. Lucas looked worried for the girl, and Max shook her head.

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