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Quick a/n-

This is basically my skz wish fulfillment (besides the backstory) and as much as I want to, this will mainly be fluff chapters that wouldn't happen irl, and people catch feeling way too fast because I really don't know how to write cute blossoming love. So yeah, call it love at first sight. Mainly bc I don't wanna butcher their personalities, but just a quick spoiler warning. You fall in love with and date almost all of Stray Kids, hilarity ensues.

Italic Bold- English

---☆ |Mentions of physical and mental ab¤s3, s3xua1 assAu1T|

You quietly step back into the tiny home you found yourself living in. Trashed completely by your kin. There was silence, so it gave you some sort of peace of mind knowing that you were alone in this place, no risk of piling on inguries on inguries.

With a great deal of effort, you manage to pull out the loveseat from against the wall to a little divot embedded into the carpet.
"I need to hurry...I can't let them see me."

"Who're talking about sister? Didn't think you had the guts to show your fucking face here so soon."

Your entire frame froze as those icy spears that were words pierced into your flesh like serrated edges. The one person you didn't need to see ever again after today, but he was the first one that had found you all week.

"O-oh...Ssamiji-oppa...I just, dropped the TV remote behind the couch. I know eomma doesn't like furniture moved so I-" You back up and turn around slowly to talk to Ssamiji face to face, but he whips you around by your left shoulder and grips onto your jaw with frightening tension between you both.

"HEY. What'd I say about calling me oppa. To mother, you're just a wimpy feminine pushover of a boy. You'll address me and hyung or I'll make sure you won't talk for a week." You can only manage a wince in the moment at the stinging sensation of your elder brothers nails digging into your skin, any harder and it would start to seriously bleed.

"Y-yes...I apologize Hyung...please don't...my wounds still aren't fully healed."

"Oh, c'mon then...you should've told me sooner, worry about the couch later. I'll talk to mom about it, let's change your bandages, they're dirty. I don't want my little brother getting an infection." Ssamiji immediately let go of your jaw and put both of his hands on your shoulders in a comforting manner, his expression going to that of a concerned father. His voice was soft and sweet, sweet enough to fill your heart more than an drop of honey could. But the infection of his words had already begun to spread years ago, and repeating it only made it worse. Hammering it into your head.

"O-oh..but...okay, Ssamiji-Hyung." Full of doubt and turmoil at your conflicting emotions, you took Ssamiji's hand at his request. Following him into the tiny bathroom, barely enough room to fit him on the floor, with you sitting on the toilet.

"Be a big boy for me okay? You're 21 now." Your elder reached behind him and pulled out a clear bag of medical supplies bought from the dollar store, labeled with a faded out permanent marker as yours. Ssamiji took off all of your bandages carefully as you winced, drug filled air hitting your partially fresh wounds from various objects from flesh to metal to wood. Your eyes follow Ssamiji's every action as you observe that he wasn't going to do anything rash, even if he did, you were powerless to stop him.

"Even if I am grown...eomma still won't let me move out...I want to. I want a job so I can help them." You speak softly and squeeze your eyes together, becoming uneasy as he put his hand on your inner high, using his hand to push himself up closer to your face. Smirking as he wiped an anti-bactetial soaked cotton pad across your jaw and neck.

"C'mon, we both know you're too weak and scrawny to handle a job. Mom's just protecting you, it isn't her fault. If you can't move out, then who's the one to blame for not being strong enough. Mom needs her sons to support her, but you've failed her. I'm the one who has to look after the both of you, but don't worry, my little brother can become strong and big like me and dad."

After a bit more of this so called banter, Samiji finally finished up his patch job, landing one final peck on your lips. No matter how much you wanted to burst into tears. This wasn't okay. He wasn't okay.

I shouldn't let this happen, so why am I? I'm afraid of what appa might do...

"Tha...Thanks Ssamiji-Hyung...I couldn't ask for a better elder brother, always looking out for me."

He raises your jaw up and cups your cheeks in his hands, making the very much overdue tears of disgust, anguish, and despair fall down your cheeks and into the crevices between your skin and his.

"You'll always be mine, no matter how much you deny it. You love it. C'mon, let's celebrate my birthday..." He kissed you again, longer than the previous as you sob beneath him, wanting so desperately to push him off and go grab a knife from the kitchen. Who it was going to go into, you didn't care at this point. You felt disgraced.

Hours later

After Samiji went to his room, you shook in disgust, having no choice but to pull yourself up from the tear soaked sheets and put your clothes back on.

"He broke the zipper..." Tears well up in your eyes again as you fail to find the zipper to your jeans, finding it next to your jacket. You wanted to slip, curl up on the floor and just escape, be in your own little headspace. But not with him around, you couldn't be safe with Ssamiji here.

Despite your pounding and fuzzy head, you pull your jeans on and grabbed your backpack from the living room, pushing the couch back out and stuffing the contents that were resting in the carpet divot into your bag. Making sure nothing looked like it had been moved before going to the back door. As soon as your index finger touched the handle, the first touch of freedom, you heard your downfall. The front door.

"Appa's home...I need to go before he sees me..." You gasped out to no one but yourself, waiting and keeping back your sobs of terror as their voices and conversation was as clear as the air could be.

Your soul dropped as you heard Appa stomp to the back porch, frantically trying to open the door, yet your hands kept slipping, vision overran with tears of panic. Louder and louder the footsteps began, going to exactly where you begun to rush out the door, but with him being twice your size, Appa easily forced you back in and shut the door, the loud boom of the door sending your ears ringing.

"I-I'm sorry Appa! I can't understand english very well..."

You raised your completely wrapped arms to your face to protect yourself, but Appa grabbed onto both of your wrists with one hand.

"Where are you going? Why do you have all of these bandages, and WHY IS SSAMIJI SAYING YOU STOLE MONEY FROM US AND ARE NOW PLANNING TO RUN OFF?! No son of mine is going to disgrace me and your mother that much. No son of mine is going to steal from his own family. You're nothing but a leech that's lucky to not be squashed...UNDER, MY, FEET!!" Appa raised his fist with a manic grin, as you immediately looked to your right at the various amounts of junk laying out for your defense. Without thinking, you grabbed a vase and smashed it against Appa's head, making him fall back, and making it so that you could escape. For the first time in months, a genuine smile crossed your lips as you jumped off the stairs to hop the fence, taking off running in a random direction as fast as your feeble body could manage.

Past bikers, bus stops, stores, restaurants. Rushing past the swarm of people with cameras surrounding a group of people heading the same direction you were.

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