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"Did you even get her name Han?" Minho leaned forward and raised his eyebrows at me, so did everyone else with dead silence. All of our stomachs churning in panic.

"No, she didn't say why, just said she can't. I didn't ask again." I looked down and sighed, fiddling with my thumbs as my hope got bleak. I don't know what I felt, just that we couldn't just throw her back out, she was on the brink of death.

"How long is she going to stay...?"
Jeongin perked up, knees into his chest cutely, face slightly confused. Everyone else looked uneasy as he spoke. It was like she was a skeleton, ribs poking out from underneath her shirt, thin air with small chunks at her hairline ripped, probably from stress. She needed lots of care, was it more than we could handle?

"We should call her parents. Or find out where she came from." Hyunjin spoke, rather coldly, and looked to the side behind the other members. Catching us off guard since, he isn't like this. This situation isn't one someone would see in their lifetime, who would have any idea what to do, so it was natural for Hyunjin to reject this, but this quickly? He wasn't even open to the idea.

"Hyunjin, really?" Seungmin leaned back with concern to look him in the eye. He was such a considerate person, wanting constantly to show how much he cared for the members, so why didn't he show it for someone who needed all the help they could get?

"What? She looks 16. Her parents are probably worried, it's late and cold out." He crossed his arms and sneered, not liking this situation at all, thinking the worst.

"I see where you're coming from, that may be the best call." Felix scrunched his eyebrows in worried and tucked his body in, laying his chin on his knees.

"Guys, did you see her clothes at all? They were all tattered and dirty. If she just ran away, which I mean it's freezing so must be...then her clothes weren't good to begin with. Maybe she doesn't have a home." Changbin finally spoke his mind, being mindfully observant of her from just seeing her under a blanket.

"Changbin has a point but, on her arms and cheeks, she had fresh bandages. She must've gone somewhere, which has to be home. But with her scared reaction to us being so severe I'm guessing she has some...things, going on." Chan added onto the observations, maybe we were actually going to be able to help her, majority vote.

"We should talk to our manager."
Lee Know quietly mumbled to himself, just loudly enough for everyone to hear.

"Nah. They couldn't get us the permission. One of us needs to go straight to Jyp. Once we figure out whats going on with her, most likely she'll need somewhere to go. I can't just leave her alone now." I spoke again, speaking with a certain member in mind, as everyone peered over at Chan, he was our leader after all.

"Why not, Han? You don't even know the girl? We don't need to go to Jyp, we need to get her to the local police so she can get somewhere safe. Soon. We leave in a month." Hyunjin once again opposed this entire thing, coldly brushing off the things we just said. I can try and see where he's coming from, she could be a fan doing an elaborate setup. But that's a hard could.

"Hyunjin you need to be more open, I'm not completely sold on the idea either but we can't just throw her out." Felix put a hand on Hyunjin's shoulder to try and calm him down, and he sort of did. Hyunjin slumped back down and groaned to himself, fiddling with his clothes.

"I mean what if that girl's in deep trouble, and she needs our help." Seungmin bumped up against his shoulder and gave him a tiny smile, not doing a thing to positively effect Hyunjin's mood.

"Yeah, right before we came back here she was running for her life and shoved right past us. She must've saw us and came her for a reason." Changbin spoke, putting his head in his hands, a low whine coming from him as he scrunched up.

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