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"Hey, you awake? I have coffee ready." Jisung bends down infront of the couch and pokes your shoulder, you groan and sit up, rubbing your eyes as your bones were still sleepy.

"Oh, thank you but I'm not really a coffee person. Morning~, do you know what time it is?" You smile at a blurry figure that was Jisung and scrunch up, rubbing your eyes until you could see clearly. You hear a voice to your right stiffling a giggle, you look over and see Changbin and Chan looking over at you, immediately diverting their gaze to the TV.

"Ah...I'm not sure, I think around 9 or so." Jisung looks up at the clock and sits next to you on the couch as you figure out what was so funny. You finally figure it out, your hair was a complete mess, fluffed up way above your head. You giggle at yourself and bring it back down with your hands, giving Changbin a look of gratitude, even if he didn't see it.

"Did you sleep okay? I swear we'll get you a better sleeping spot." You look over at Han and his cheeky smile, his energy rubbing off on you, "No it's perfectly fine, I slept good!"

You grin back just as Changbin was getting up to go to the kitchen, your cheeks feeling warmer as the feeling of his skin on yours was burned into your senses. You scooch closer to Han and put a head on his shoulder, just listening into their conversation as you take in the atmosphere around you. So clear, cozy, and refreshing, it was a complete change of feeling compared to the day before.

"Do you need a change of clothes? I know they aren't the best but, you could borrow mine." After a few minutes, Han pokes the side of your head, making sure you weren't asleep, because you were about to be if he didn't say anything.

"Oh, that'd be nice!" You lift your head up and smile, taking his hand as he lifts you up, bringing you over to his room, the room where everyone was at after you showered.

Jisung enters the room with you and quietly speaks while motioning over to his designated dresser, "You're allowed to anything in there, I'll leave you here-"

"Actually..." You quickly cut him off once he's done speaking, a churning feeling in your stomach, "Could you stay in here, Jisung? I don't know I'd just feel more comfortable if you were in here...I barely know anyone else so..." You cover your mouth and pick at the skin on your lips, looking over at the still peacefully sleeping 2 other members.

"Of course." Han nodded and sat down on his bed getting completely comfortable silently, not pressing you on at all. It made you feel better about it.

"I woke up before Chan, y'know." Han crossed his legs and sat his chin in his hands, looking up at you as your cheeks immediately flared up. You could only imagine what he was thinking when he found you and his close friend were that...well, close. "You had his stuffed animal, and he's had that for ages. Know that he really cares then. I've never seen him sleep that happy ever, he wants you to stay. So do Chan and I, so don't worry. We're gonna get you out of there." He gets back up and walks over to you, putting his hands on your shoulder in a comforting manner. You tense up and set his clothes ontop of his dresser, crossing your arms anxiously.

"Yeah? Once that happens where do I go. I know you all don't live here, I've seen the pile of suitcases in the corner of your rooms. I don't have a passport, and I have nothing in Korea." You sigh and furrow your eyebrows, turning around and looking at him. A wave of perspective crashing down on you.

You really had no security. Once they leave, you're alone. They're famous, no way their boss would allow you to live with them. By the time they leave you wouldn't know them anywhere close enough for them to support you financially.

Jisung could definitely tell somewhat of what you were thinking, because his face quickly fell into a frown. He pulled into into a tight hug, squeezing you so hard you thought he was going to pop you. He holds you for a moment, taking deep breaths before sighing hard.

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