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April 28th, 3:00am

"Chan? Are you free?" Changbin swung on the bedroom doorframe into Chan's room, an anxious look on his face as if he needed something urgent.

"Yeah, something up?" Chan took out his earbuds and folded his laptop closed, crossing his legs to make room for Changbin as he sat down at the foot of his bed. He scrunched up small, resting his chin on his knees as he brought his legs to his chest, biting the inside of his cheek hard.

"I need to talk to someone about this, Noona. I...really like her, a lot. But, I don't know what to do because she loves you. I tried to bottle it down and just brush off her affection as platonic but, a few weeks ago after you all went to, I told her what I felt and she said she loved me too." Changbin rubbed the back of his neck due to nerves, not being able to stomach eye contact with Chan. Chan, he was taking this all in best case scenario, trying to quickly find a solution to his youngers and his predicament.
"I don't get it, she wouldn't mess with us, but it feels so disingenuous whenever she says that she loves me, but kisses you and slept in the same bed as Jisung. Does she like all of us, or none of us?"

Before Chan spoke, he caught a glimpse of Bin's expression as he looked down at his lap. A whirlwind of all negative emotions and anxiety mixing in him. He had to be extra careful with his response, making sure he eased Bin into whatever fix he had for this.
"I can't speak for her, but remember what her life was like, you can't expect her projection of affection to be traditional. I know she loves all of us, whether that'd be platonic or not, I really don't know."

Chan tried to think of something else, something that could benefit all of them yet didn't involve upsetting Y/n or the members. Maybe a plan b, but only one solution came to his mind. "I love her, but you do too, don't think that she has to choose one or the other."

"What're you saying?" Changbin looked up from his lap with furrowed eyebrows, looking up at Chan for an answer. Yet he didn't, silent in thought.

"Hyung." Changbin used a more serious tone, prodding Chan to speak. Say anything to calm his confusion, to comfort him. Despite his uncertainty with her right now, all he wanted was to have Y/n with him. His Noona always calmed him down, always gave him the love he needed.

"Listen, it's entirely up to her but, would it be so bad to date her together?"

Changbin was expecting a solution, but something like this? In hindsight he didn't know what he wanted, but the finer details just seemed so confusing. "What? How...? Like- what? We both date her...wouldn't that make us..."

"No no! Um, how do I put this without...Y/n could date us, but it's just that. It's like- I would be dating her, but she's with me and you. Or, anyone else she likes." Chan chuckled nervously, rubbing his neck as he readjusted in his spot, Changbin also nervously fidgeting in his seat.

"Would Noona even be okay with all of this? I don't know, what if we become to possessive, o-or she feels pressured into picking favorites. How would this work?" He just wanted Y/n, her loving presence. Go back to not worrying about this, just love her without worry, not this. Not worrying about what the others think or what the public thinks. It was all too much for Bin.

"If she said she loves you, then I think she'd be okay being allowed to show her love to all of us freely. I can tell how much she cares about everyone here, and we love her back." Chan reached for Bin's hand, securely holding it with a soft smile. Successfully clearing up some of the fog meddling with the youngers mind.

"We should worry about the other members more than Noona, what do you think they'll say?" Changbin was starting to understand the Y/n side of it, but with the other members, the members who didn't love her like they did. What would they think about it? Would they be okay with living with a multi-couple, or would they find Changbin and Chan weird? Going against the norms too much?

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