Affections |☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

940 18 1

February 14th, 8:00 am

You wake up before Han, as for the past week you guys decided to share a bed. He was sprawled out on top of you, simultaneously smooshing you with all of his weight and stealing all of the blanket making the cold air hit your skin. You groan and look up, slowly maneuvering around him to sit up, crossing your legs as you sigh and catch your breath from the troublesome movement. You look back at him, smiling to yourself as sunlight peaked through the curtains, illuminating the walk space in the room.

You climb over Jisung and do your best to quietly step on the ground, holding in your breath as to not breathe too heavily. Everyone was in pretty heavy sleep, not looking like they'd wake up for a bit.

Your stomach spoke first, lowly growling for some sort of food as the night before, you and the older ones had stayed up late for drinks. You dragged your feet along the floor, stepping out of the room before stretching, a long groan coming along with it.

"Oh, Channie-Hyung, I didn't know you were up." You speak as you lay your eyes upon a head curly head of hair, it peeking up to give you a fresh out of bed kangaroo.

"I got up around 10 minutes ago to work a bit. Minho's been up too, but he said he was going out today." You groan as Chan speaks, going over to him and sitting down in the space next to him.

"Chan, it's too early for a, it's Valentines day. You should do something special." His hair looked too soft not to touch, so you reached your hand up to pick up a strand, fixing it into its place. Entangling the both together made you smile, he looked so squishy right now, like you could hug him forever. It made you incredibly warm and fuzzy inside.

"To be honest it's just another day for me, I don't have anything to celebrate now." He flattens his mouth, his right dimple pointing towards you as he chuckles to himself.

"You sound so down...but I'm still so sleepy I can't function." You succumb to a yawn, laying your cheek on his arm, and it made a really good pillow, nice and squishy, "Can I take a nap?"

"But you just woke up?" Chan looks down at you and grins skeptically, closing his laptop and setting it on the coffee table. You sigh and feign being hurt.

"I had to share a bed with Jisung, and he moves a lot. Your already a much better pillow." Your tone was heavy and overdramatic, laughing at yourself after as you got a giggle out of Chan. He shuffles so that he laid in the corner of the couch, opening his arms for you to snuggle up to him, to which you immediately accepted.

"Then I hope you sleep well." Chan's cheeks went pink as you settle down in his arms, throwing your legs across his thighs.

" should sleep too, we all stayed up late last night." It was warm, yet for some reason you still wanted more, you wanted to sleep. This would've been a perfect day to slip, spend the entire day out if it. But it's not like the other members knew, so you pushed back the constant headache you experienced.

"Come here," Chan enveloped you in his arms, bringing you up and closer to his face, he leaned down to your ear and smiled to himself, "Valentines day. How about this, we go to my room and take a nap, then after I treat you to something special."

"That sounds really nice..." Your cheeks turned a soft blush, looking up to him and giving him a soft smile, interlocking your hands together. Chan softly laughs, picking you up bridal style to take you into his room, it was even warm and cozy in here. Minho's bed was neatly made while Chan's was messy and shaken, although it only made it look more inviting. He laid you down first, letting you mess with the covers before sitting down on the edge of the bed.

You put your hand over his. Bringing it up closer to you and folding it in yours, feeling his skin on yours was a comforting one. He looked back at you and smiled, sitting up against the headboard and throwing his heavy blanket over the both of you. You sigh gratefully and hug his waist, pulling yourself up onto his lap.

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