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"I didn't take you for a romantic, Changbin." You let out a light chuckle as you held onto his arm, walking down a sidewalk only lit by streetlights and the insides of shop buildings. He'd taken you out for dinner, good timing, since the house was running pretty low and groceries and the rest of the house was going to be having ramyun.

"Well, I didn't either till I saw you dressed up on Valentine's day." He hummed, his left hand in his pocket as you held onto his right arm. You couldn't stop staring at Bin as he looked forward, from his side profile to his suit, he looked so good. His sharp eyes that when he looked over to you they turned so round, his perfect doll lips, he'd let his hair be natural so it was wavy, which only made him look more precious.

"What?" Changbin laughed, catching you out of your trance of admiring him, the fact making you blush shyly. You had to take a moment to compose yourself again, clearing your throat quietly as you had to make sure you weren't going to just be staring at how pretty Changbin was the whole time. This was a conversation after all, needed to be present.

"You saying you've liked me since then?" You asked, a smile growing on your face as you felt Changbin give your hand a small squeeze, watching as he looked away with a smirk. His own cheeks were growing pink, unbeknownst to you he was just giddy at the fact that he got to take you out on a date in the first place.

"Nah, I've liked you since the first time I saw you and we shared the couch."

"That's a lie." You scoffed and rolled your eyes as you felt your cheeks flush a pink color, crossing your arms across your chest. Changbin raise an eyebrow at you, a grin growing onto his face at the fact that you were calling his "bluff". "Oh?"

"I was wearing rags, covered in bandages and bruises, fucking filthy, and my hair was one tangle away from a rats nest." You scoffed again, finding it impossible how any of them could've possibly found you cute or even available to date after they found out your age.

"Aw but you were so polite, how could I not find you adorable." Changbin defended his words, putting both of his arms around you, his right arm over your shoulders as his left hand completed the circle by holding onto his hand.

"I looked like a rat from the streets of New York." You flattened out your lips to form a line as you shot Changbin a look from the side, making him look away and chuckle nervously as he squeezed you. "Well fine, maybe the romantic like came a bit later, but I did like you the second I saw you."

"That's called pity." You countered again, holding back laughter and a smile as Changbin's eyes told you just goes desperately he was trying to defend himself. A quick moment of panic washed over his eyes before he smirked, pulling you in closer and lowering his head to be eye level with you.

"It's called Changbin's a psychic and knows an amazing woman when he sees one." Bin grinned, causing you to roll your eyes again as you suppressed a smile. He couldn't help but laugh a bit at your dismissive demeanor, raising his hands in defense. "What? It's true. You're so beautiful, inside and out. Selfless, hard working, strong, brave, loving-"

"Bin I'm gonna blush if you keep going." You mumbled, pouting as you turned away from him, your arms interlacing together tighter as Changbin laughed and put his arms around you, giving you a tight squeeze.

"You say that like it's not incentive for me to continue." He hummed, leaning his face in close with a teasing glare, making you groaned and push him away. "You're cute."

You rolled your eyes and chuckled, nudging Changbin again with your elbow as he grinned. You both began to walk down the sidewalk in comforting silence for a few moments before a thought nagged you at the back of your mind, a thought that has been in your mind for a while just- never important enough as to bring it to attention. "Hey Bin?" You mumbled, sighing a bit before looking up at Changbin to find him already looking down at you.

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