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You scrunch your knees up to your chest, watching as your best friend puts away toddlers books. Stuffing them under his mattress before falling onto the floor, giving you a tiny smile.

"Sweetie, your brothers here to pick you up!" Your hear his mother call your name, her words making an immediate pit in your stomach. Churning and making dread run throughout your veins, you wanted to cry, hide, run away anything but going to see him. How was he going to react? Was it even safe once you were alone with him? He's been acting weird lately, more mean than usual.

"O-oh..." Your voice was shaky as you squeeze your eyes shut, clutching onto your friends hand as he puts his over yours.

"I'll walk you outside." He stood up, pulling you to your feet with another one of his happy smiles. Having to almost pull you along into the main room.

"Thanks again for letting her stay over, I'm really sorry that she wants to come over so badly." You could hear Ssamiji talking to your friends eomma, dread overcame you with every step closer.

"Why hello there little one, ready to go home?" Your brother crouches down to be eye level with you, holding onto your hands as he gives you a smile. One of those smiles that you couldn't tell whether or not it was genuine or not. You didn't want to go home, Appa was about to leave for a business trip, you didn't know if he'd left yet. Eomma could've gone drinking again and brought one of her boys home. Ssamiji could just not take you home.

"Uh...uhm..." You took a step back, covering your mouth with a folded hand as you nibbled on your fingernail. Looking anywhere but in his eyes.

"I know you're gonna miss your friend, but you'll see him at school tomorrow, I even have a suprise for you." Ssamiji cupped your free hand in his, convincing you that he was in a good mood. Standing up straight and pulling you towards him.

"Suprise?" He never had surprises for you. Your eyes lit up, balling up your hands at your sides as you looked over at your friend. Smiling a giddy smile as he looked excited for your sake.

"Mhmm, yeah, c'mon we don't wanna be late do we?" He held onto your hand as he waved goodbye to your friends mother, heading towards the door as you look behind you, walking backwards as Sssamiji walks you both out.
"Bye Minnie~!"

You didn't mind where you were going, big brother was in a good mood, so he had to be telling the truth. But...the more you kept walking, the more you started to realize, you weren't any closer to home. "Oppa? What's the suprise?" You looked up at him, tugging on his pant leg with slight worry. He looked down at you, then to the surroundings, crouching down to your level before putting a hand on your back.

"So, you know those pretty people you saw on TV yesterday?" He had a smile on his face, only growing more as he saw your spirits get higher, eyes sparkling with tiny stars of curiosity and excitement.

He picked you up, holding you close before lowering his voice. "Now, this'll be our little secret, but, you get to become one of them."

Your eyes got big as you gasped in suprise, big brother was watching the TV the other day and there were bunches of ladies and boys in pretty outfits. You kept peeking around the corner to watch them fly, sometimes by themselves, other times with somebody else, either way, big brother caught onto your fascination.

"Really!?" You squealed and balled your hands up together, immediately latching onto Ssamiji's neck in a tight hug, giggling to yourself in glee.

"Of course! Now, do you see your school down there?" His voice peeked up with laughter at your endearing amusement, taking ahold of your hand and molding it so that you were pointing with your index finger, dragging it along the horizon until you were pointing at your school. Nodding heavily in response.

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