
365 14 1

June 10th, 4:00pm

"See you all later! I'll go check on Jisung, don't worry about it." You smiled and walked back into the house, waving at Minho as he looked back one more time, the 7 of them leaving to go to the studio. They all shouted goodbyes and waves before getting into 2 cars, Chan blowing you a quick kiss before getting embarrassed and getting into the car quickly.

You rolled your eyes and chuckled to yourself, giving one last wave to them before going back inside, closing the door. The amusement and affection you felt from the energy around the members quickly dissipated once you were alone again, taking a deep breath and crossing your arms comfortably.

Walking towards Jisung's room, you could hear coughing through the walls, followed by a groan of pain. You winced, feeling sympathetic towards the sick squirrel. You made sure to speak in a soft tone, leaning against the door frame and knocking slightly before pushing the door open a few inches.

"Hanji? How're you feeling?" You gave him a smile, a gentle look on your face as you walked into his room, sitting on the edge of his bed. He'd woken up with a bad stomach ache, barely able to move the last time you checked on him. He opened his eyes as he held onto his stomach, laying on his side as his hair covered his upper face.

"Did the members leave?" He whispered, voice strained and full of pain. You sighed again and smiled, placing a hand on his calf and rubbing it softly through the blanket.

"Yeah, they all went out to the studio, they didn't mention anything but I told them that I'd look after you." You spoke, leaning up and brushing your hand through his hair gently, tone barely above a whisper as you wanted to provide as much comfort as you could to Han.

"Thanks, help me up would you?" Han smiled and ran his fingers through his hair, groaning and stretching his limbs. You scrunched your eyebrows down in confusion, tilting your head as you watched Jisung. He was sick, but miraculously he seemed so much better than a few hours ago. This morning, he could barely move or speak, and now he was stretching and yawning, speaking in only a strained voice?

"Jisung, you're sick. Where do you need to go that'd you need my help?" You spoke, a smile on your face as you leaned forward, cupping his left cheek in your hand and brushing your thumb against his skin soothingly.

"Well, if we're going to be alone all day I might as well go out into the living room. I'll keep you company." He smiled, trying to convince you with his tone and cheeky smile. Paired with those chubby cheeks of his, it was working. But, he seriously needed to rest, he had a stomachache.

"If you're so obligated to keep me company today, then why don't I just come in here? I'll get you some medicine." You tried to reason with him, wanting what's best for him, which was rest. You scooted up to lay against the headboard, gently guiding Jisung to lay on your lap as you ran your fingers through his hair, smiling down at him with a warm look. Although, still trying to entice him to take you up on your offer and stay inside.

Han happily slid onto your lap, moving to lay between your legs with his upper back against your lower stomach, head laying against your torso.
"I think I just need some fresh air." He mumbled, closing his eyes and letting out a soothed breath of air from your scalp massage, your nails scratching his scalp just enough to be comforting.

At his words though, you hummed curiously, and Han opened an eye to look at your reaction, a smile growing on his lips. He sat up and looked back at you, leaning back on his palms and giving you a cheeky smile, scrunching his eyebrows together to give him a pleading expression.
"Please Noona?"


You were walking with Jisung on a path through a park, your hands intertwined as you both had drinks in the other. Luckily, it was a nice day outside, a slight breeaze to make it only slightly colder than tshirt weather. Any colder and you'd run a risk of getting sick since you were just wearing a tshirt and shorts. Speaking of getting sick though...

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