Head On

506 13 0

March 3rd, 3:30pm

His eyes bore into you, sending daggers into your composure. Your confidence slowly crumbled as this was the first time you've seen him in months. You took a tiny step back, grabbing onto the closest free hand you could find, Changbin's.

"Ssamiji..." You take a deep breath and speak low, feeling Changbin squeeze your hand for comfort and reassurance. Even though you had him, Han, Seungmin, and I.N, you were still scared beyond belief, you could very possibly lose the very thing you've grown to love, and going home would kill you, literally.

"I think you forgot a part, it's Ssamiji-Hyung you bitch." His tone was cold, obviously furious at this whole situation. It was terrifying, he was terrifying. He was taller than you by almost a whole foot, he's obviously more muscular than you last saw him, it was terrifying how much you could talk yourself up, only for Ssamiji to immediately knock it down.

"It's not." You calm your nerves enough to not sound audibly nervous, thinking positive thoughts. It was a courthouse, nothing bad could happen to you because there were at least 5 police officers in this room alone. Ssamiji was just talking...he couldn't bring himself to actually kill you, those notes were just talking. Nothing else...

"I don't know what you think this is but you're coming home. You ran away and got kidnapped by 8 random adult men, who do you think they'd believe? And what's with your name, Y/n? It sounds r***rded, your name was perfectly fine before. I loved that name so much...only you know the things I do while saying that name." Ssamiji leaned forward on the little podium he was on, you were on a matching one about 20 feet away, like this space was specifically designed for this occasion. Eerie. His facade was fading away as he ran his fingers through his messy, greasy, disheveled hair, eyes going wide with lust.

"They gave me this name, I'm keeping it, legally. Who would they believe? I think they'll side with the woman with scars and camera evidence to prove it. Backed up by one of the most rapidly growing idol groups in the country." Disregarding his appearance, your emotions flood with anxiety, trying your hardest not to regress as your source of trauma was in front of you, to frustration as you now finally got the fact that he was just trying to manipulate you. Manipulate you into calling this whole thing off and going back to him, and he was currently laughing to himself about how to try and win you back next, scrolling through his mental library of tactics.

"8 famous strangers who you met a month ago. Men who are larger than you could easily kidnap you for knowing some sort of information about them. Just admit it, any plan of yours can be easily debunked, just come back home Gyeo-jyeoggi, and I'll protect you, I promise." He sighs and slicks his hair back, crossing his arms to look as charming as possible, but it was painfully obvious that he was the only one believing his lies. You had not only witnesses but handwritten evidence to prove it. Everyone there was convinced even his lawyer was on your side.

"I've learned to not trust a single piece of shit you spew at me. You've touched me in a way you never should have and manipulated me for my entire life. I don't care how much you raised me or the things I've learned from you, I can never live the life I wanted or deserve because of you. You took away things that I can never give back or recover, how can you sit still in your life knowing that you've ruined mine." You let go of Changbin's hand to grip onto the sides of your podium, getting unbelievably pissed at his denseness but also having enough composure to remain calm enough to be deemed alright in a courthouse.

"I've done nothing wrong to you. I raised you and punished you as such, just standard parenting if anything you should be mad at dad for not stepping up and raising you as his own. It was just me and mom. Because of you, I've had so much stress, I couldn't go to college because even now you still need to be taken care of, but unlike you, I wouldn't wanna burden these guys with a rowdy child like you." His eyes slimmed down into lines, Ssamiji stepping off of his podium, steps reverberating throughout the room. The police stepped forward towards him as his nature got more...intense.

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