Baby Steps

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March 3rd, 9:00am

"Oh my goodness Hyunjin that was amazing, thank you so much!" You laughed and held onto Hyunjin's arms as you both walked out of a restaurant, a soft breeze blowing past you. The sun peeking out through the heavy grey clouds onto the streets, making you feel better despite the recent weather.

"It's no problem really, anything to make it up to you." Hyunjin looked down at you and smiled, giving you a refreshing feeling, he looked like a prince in this one ray of sunlight that showed in this one moment. His hair softly blowing across his forehead, smiling so polite to really give him a royal feel. It'd been all clouds and rain as the atmosphere around the apartment was tense and full of fear, but ever since last night the weather had been looking up. It was surreal, although in the distance you could see more clouds, so you knew that this was the best you were getting. Although if it meant that you could see Hyunjin giving you a genuine smile in a natural light, you would have stormy days for the rest of your life.

"I've already said it's fine, you're not obligated to anything!" You giggled and squeezed his hand, following him as he started to walk down the sidewalk, letting go of your hand to put an arm around your shoulder, "Fine then, it's to make myself feel better."

"Well now I'm not saying you shouldn't...Just that you really don't have to." You sighed and held onto his hand that was around your shoulder, giving him a sarcastic sly look. You'd never gotten the chance to look at his face for long, because you were scared he would notice and think you were weird. But now, getting the chance to finally look at him, his eyes were powerful. Single handedly conveying all of his thoughts to you along with his soft lips, heart shaped cupids bow and that rosy pink color that always seemed to plump his lips. You remember what you said about him the first night you got here, he reminded you of your brother. And he did, his hair, physic, even his voice was similar. But their demeanor was entirely oppisite, he said he thought stuff about you that he could never take back, but that could go the very same from you to him. You could never tell him, but it killed you inside to keep it in.

"We have to drive about 30 minutes to the courthouse," Hyuniin mumbled to himself, snapping you out of your thoughts. You had a worried look on your face, a gigantic pit of guilt in your stomach as you prayed he didn't notice.

"And we have about 2 hours, do you wanna go back and wake everyone up?" He looked down at you and gave you a smile, sighing before you smiled back at him.

"Yeah, I still need to get ready too. I don't think a hoodie is courthouse appropriate." You laughed and softly shook your hands to let out your nerves, again scooting in close to his side. Hyunjin laughs and nods, "Alright, let's go back."


You and Hyunjin smile as you walk into your hotel room, trying to be quiet as you didn't expect anyone to be fully awake. But it wasn't entirely true, once person was. Changbin was on the edge of his bed, head between his knees as one of his legs bounced frantically up and down. He snapped his head up and sniffled, standing up and rushing over to you both, arms tightly crossed anxiously. "Where we're you 2? I was getting worried."

"Changbin oh, we were just getting breakfast and walking around a bit." You smiled nervously as Hyunjin slipped off back into the hallway to wake the others, leaving you both. Changbin looked down, biting hard into his cheek.

"Changbin?" You peered down to try and get a look at his face, but he just looked away and scrunched up even more. You gasped and covered your mouth as you had a terrifying realization, tears glossing over your eyes as you could feel the intense amount of fear and guilt he felt. Making you feel horrible inside.

"Oh my god Changbin, I'm sorry...I didn't think of it beforehand. This was the absolute worst day to do that." You looked down and reached for his hand, but he immediately pulled it back and crossed his arms tightly.

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