Something Special

771 16 0

5:00pm, sunset

"'d you find this place?" Your eyes sparkle as Chan takes your hand, leading you up a hill. He'd drove you to slightly outside L.A, a cliffside where lots of tourists came, but it was empty, just you and him. Thanks to being in America and Los Angeles, it was much warmer than it would've been at this time in Korea. Chan had ever so slightly requested that you were something semi formal, so you convinced Minho to help you curl your hair with the flat iron they had. Wore a layered, wispy, soft dress that fit you too much to admit, but the layers that effortlessly flowed in the wind hid your figure, making you feel like a fairy almost with your pink pearl heart accessories. Bracelets, earrings, necklace, bunches of pearls in your hair, and your eye makeup including very tiny pearls.

"Y/n? Are you ready in there?" I tap my knuckles on the bathroom door, hearing a soft hum being interrupted. Felix had convinced me to wear a suit just for an excuse to style Y/n's hair, to which they've been doing for the past 30 minutes.

"Hold on Chan, this takes time." Minho yells through the door as I hear Y/n's quiet laugh, even that makes me blush.

"Yeah! Listen to Minho-Hyung!" Through laughter she squeals in a high pitch, hearing more indistinct talking as they finish up. I get more anxious as I know I'm about to see her, I have no idea what she's going to come out looking like, although I know it's going to look amazing.

"Alrighty...I think I'm ready, thanks Minho." I hear a chair squeal as it's being pushed back, my anxiety going through the roof...

"How is it? I think I look pretty good..." I hear the door open and I immediately stand up straight, moving quickly to be infront of the door when it opens. She steps out, Minho sneaking behind her with arms full of makeup, hair styling things, and a spare dress or 2.

She had slight blush on, hearts cut out in the corner of her left eye, trailing my gaze up to her downturned eyeliner, shaping her e/c colored irises, shimmering under the light like crystals. My eyes follow down to her outfit, layers of soft pink silk encasing her doll like figure, the dress was shorter to reveal her perfect legs, heart and sparkle embroidery designs bending and shaping her breasts down to her legs. Sheer tights with more hearts squeezing her plump thighs all the way down to her shoes, lifting her off the ground. Her hair glittered, curled and tied up to both expose yet incase her cheeks, cupping them in a majestic way that made her have an aura of an angel, like she was born from heaven herself.

"G-gorgeous...I-I mean- I'm saying you look really good...really." I feel my face go completely red, covering my mouth to try my best to hide it. Her cheeks warm under her makeup, crossing her arms anxiously as she looks towards the ground.

"Tha-thanks...Shall we get going?" She takes a deep breath before looking up at me, giving me an adorable smile. It only made me go even crazier, she was ethereal, a real life goddess. I could kiss her right now.

"Oh, yeah of, you go ahead and head out, I'll be there in a moment." I put a hand on her back, leading her to the door as the rest of the members were already fully attentive to my situation. She nods and gives me one last smile before walking out, softly closing the door behind her.

"Oh shit." I sigh heavily and push myself up against the door, laying my head against it as my face radiates heat.

"Nervous?" Minho comes up to where I am and crosses his arms, signaling the other members to come up and copy his pose.

"No! I'm just...worried." I slide down the door some and put my face in my hands, knowing that it was the same exactly thing.

"What're you even gonna be doing?" Jeongin came over and puts an arm on Minho, making Hyunjin and Seungmin the only ones who haven't gathered around.

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