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March 26th, 11:00am

You step out of the staff driven car, clutching onto Chan's hand tightly as you stare up at the towering Jyp entertainment building. Face going pale as dread filled you whole, limbs not daring to move as your eyes scanned up and down the multitude of stories. You didn't know what to think, you were about to meet their boss, the person who dictated all of their actions as an idol group. Despite what Chan's call with him said, he could still change his mind once he saw you. What if he saw you and decided you weren't good enough as a person, or not pretty enough to be out in public.

"Hey, c'mon. It's going to be fine Y/n. You've got me." Chan saw your distress, putting an arm around your shoulder as the car pulled away, leaving you both alone. He turned you away from the building, rubbing your shoulders soothingly.

"I know, it's just that...I'm nervous he's gonna say no." You couldn't bring yourself to look at him, crossing your arms anxiously as your stomach churned, wanting so badly to cry and go back home.

"He won't. Jyp is the head of the company, but he isn't a complete monster. Here." He moved your chin back to look at him, softly pressing his lips against yours as he pulled you into a hug. His soft lips against yours slowly made your mind melt any doubts you had, his calming aura one you hadn't got enough of recently.

He pulled away, barely opening his eyes as he looked at you with such affection you couldn't help but smile.
"Calm you down, Hun?"

"A bit...but, one more question." You crossed your arms together again and sighed, looking at various spots along the ground. Even if you felt better, your nervousness wasn't just going to go away.

"What about this? All of this. What is he going to say? Isn't that going to be a problem once people catch on that we're, like, dating? Its an industry rule not to date your coworkers and I've been seeing the news articles and posts on Instagram ever since I went out with Seungmin and Jeongin for the first time." You groaned and walked away from him, pacing back and forth as you spoke. You hadn't gone prying for the information you were talking about, but you weren't lying either. You'd made an Instagram account and countless amounts of times you've seen pictures of you with the members, and along with it comes dating rumors.

Chan pulled you back over to him, firmly putting his hands on your shoulders to keep you still. "He doesn't need to know, and neither do Stay. We show close affection on camera all the time, yours is no different. You're apart of our family now, you deserve to show love just as we show you. I know you couldn't stand it if we were only like this in the dorm."

His tone made you tense up, entirely serious and a little frustrated at your overthinking, but he knew you couldn't help it. You looked him in the eyes at his small smile, failing to hide the growing grin of your own.
"You're right."

"When am I not?" He chuckles and pecks your cheek as he grabs ahold of your hand, staring at the building with you in sync. He takes a step forward, prodding you to do the same thing, patiently walking into the building with you trailing after him.


"P-...Pd-nim..." You sit down in your chair reluctantly, having to hold back a yelp in doing so because of your nerves. At the corner of the long conference table sat Park Jin-Young, the reaper of your life. If you thought facing Ssamiji was going to ruin your life, then this was guaranteed to end it. Yes or no, it's going to come straight from the boss's mouth. Even if Chan was right across from you so that JYP wasn't looking at you at all times, it didn't help at all.

"Please, for right now, JYP. It's nice to finally meet you, Y/n." He had on a welcoming smile, looking more like a tour guide or elderly relative rather than an artist who ran an empire. After all these years reading into peoples talents and potential, you couldn't hide a thing if you tried. It was obvious to even the most dense that you were about to die from nerves. So the welcoming demeanor was appreciated.

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