Action |☾ ⋆*

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February 17th, 10:00am

You woke up inbetween a wall against your back and a warm chest, body wrapped around another's as their hands had you in complete protection. You did your best to flip yourself over, being greeted with a squishy face also just waking up. Changbin's cheeks squished against his pillow and his barely open eyes hidden under poofy hair. A soft groan coming from him as he moved to his back, stretching his arms and legs.

"Morning!" You giggle and lay on your stomach, playing with his hair, brushing strands out of his face with a cute grin. Changbin sighed and faced you, giving you a sleepy smile, "...morning."

You can't help but blush at his sleepy state, giggling and becoming completely whipped, rolling to lay on his chest. He hugged your chest, flipping you both over so he could stuff his face into your stomach, legs scrunched up. So tiny he was, adorable, the tiniest little hands gripping onto your clothes as he settled next to you.

"Could you answer question for me, even though you just woke up?" You ruffle his hair and cup the side of his face, lifting his head up to look at you with wide, sparkling eyes. Full and pouty lips, so rosy and round, stuck in a pursed like shape to puff out his face more and match his chubby cheeks. So squishy, you couldn't believe it.

"How'd" Changbin's eyes widen in suprise as a tiny smile curved his lips upward, pushing his face up towards yours more, "Really? You don't remember last night?"

"No? Should I be worried?! I know you sleep shirtless but..." Your mind immediately went dark, flooded with dirty thoughts that got you flustered just at the thought if him like that. You'd never thought to see him in that light, but you weren't entirely opposed to it.

"No no no! It's just were acting off. More...child-like or so." Changbin laughed quietly, as everyone was still asleep in the room, his words making your stomach churn. You sat up, making Changbin give you a slight pout at the loss of your warmth.

"Oh...was I bugging you at all?" You crossed your arms and legs, tone lower as your voice dropped off, becoming more reserved.

"Of course not, it's was cute!" Changbin sat up as well, putting a hand on your back to reassure you. You didn't want to think this in any sort of negative or mean way, because you know that Changbin was only trying to make you feel better. But he really was dense to the situation right now.

"Sorry about it, no I must've been annoying. Clinging onto you all so desperately, I should've warned you as this always happens." You sighed heavily, moving to sit at the end of his bed, feeling bad as Changbin's lips went into his heavy natural pout, scrunched up so small like he did something wrong.

"What do you mean? You didn't know that this was going to happen." He tilted his head and furrowed his eyebrows, you felt bad, yet he looked so cute you just couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah well just let me explain. my life, I had to mature quickly. I was in school till the fourth grade, and then my parents took me out because gender was becoming to much of an issue for them, and that was the last time I was a kid. My best friend moved away and...Ssamiji became my teacher. I was what? 8? And once I was homeschooled my torture really kicked into overdrive, so um...when I have really bad trauma flashbacks and any sort of panic or anxiety attack...depending on the severity of it, I could slip and age regress. I can't really remember things that well during it. So, again, I'm sorry that I bugged you so much, I must've been annoying to deal with."

Changbin's lips parted slightly as you gave him as much time to take in the leads of information you just gave him.

"A-ah, no not at all. I swear, the only thing you did was ask to sleep with me, that's it." He stuttered as he remembered that you said at the end, reaching for your hand to take it in his. "Sorry I don't want to sound dumb but...could you explain what age regression is to me?"

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