Present and Future

330 9 1

June 24th

It'd been 2 weeks since you and Han had started dating, and unlike with Chan, you didn't wait to tell anybody. Well- didn't wait to tell Chan. Luckily, he wasn't frustrated, he was actually ecstatic with the news. He was excited for the other members, proud of you for being brave enough to tell him so soon, and excited for the future. You had taken them up on their offer, and had already collected 2 out of the 3 original members.

"That's a bad way of wording it."

"What? How so?" You laughed in disbelief and scoffed, crossing your arms and turning your nose up to Changbin, who's bed you were currently on. You would've told him about the situation earlier, but you wanted to at least settle down a little with dating both Han and Chan before talking with Changbin.

You knew that Changbin was by far the most head over heels for you thanks to Hyunjin telling you, so the guilt that came with making him waiting to talk about this whole thing was kind of eating you up inside.

Luckily, if you had any intuition, the grin and laughter coming from Changbin told you he was taking it well.
"You make it sound as if we're like Pokémon or something!" He scoffed back, pouting and crossing his arms to mirror your stance.

"Well I-" You began, but stopped after the first word to not dig yourself a deeper hole than you were already in, which Changbin was already going to tease you about.

"What?" He raised an eyebrow, laughing in that high-pitched annoying tone of his as he nudged your side with his elbow, pairing his annoying laugh with a smug sarcastic smirk.

"Okay well fine it did sound that way. But you know what I mean!!" You retorted, standing up on your knees and hitting his chest as your cheeks burned in embarrassment. Changbin couldn't help but laugh, raising in defense.
"I never said that I didn't!"

You groaned and crossed your arms again, yet with Bin wriggling around on the bed like he was- you quickly lost balance and fell forward with a yelp. On top of him.

Changbin let out a high-pitched scream as you were falling, putting his hands out to catch you but all it did was make you two hold hands.

Your face was bright red at this point, your hands interlaced as you were practically ontop of Changbin straddling him. Words couldn't even come out of your mouth, only stuttering. Yet as awkward as this position was, Changbin couldn't help but find your reaction cute.
"But hey, you thinking of completing the set?" He raised an eyebrow and let out a smirk, his round eyes glittering with anticipation for your reaction underneath you.

Somehow, his words got you out of that embarrassed trance, allowing you to actually comprehend his words. Your breath hitched in your throat, letting out a laugh of disbelief and rolling your eyes
"Oh my god Changbin. You just made fun of me for saying you all were collectibles-"

"Gotta use the same language to get the point across." He shrugged, laughing to himself and shooting you yet another smug smirk, causing you to groan in annoyance.
"You're a pain in the ass, sometimes."

"You love me Noona." Bin retorted, putting his arms around your neck. Now, usually you'd be perfectly fine with that, since you and Changbin are both cuddly creatures. But he was also under you and technically you were dating him now, so you were way more flustered than usual- shooting him a look of (slightly) sarcastic disgust.

Changbin immediately gasped in faux offense, grinning as his hands moved to your shoulders, switching you both around so that now he was on top."You can't resist the charms of Seo Changbin!"

"Changbin!!" You immediately squealed, the blush that up until this point had been fading away immediately coming back. If having him under you wasn't awkward enough, this was.
"Get off before you smother me in a pillow and I suffocate and die!"

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