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"Morning everyone..." You groaned and rubbed the back of your neck as you walked out of your room. Everyone was already dressed for the day, thank god it was your weekend. Everyone noticed your voice and peeked over the couch, smiling and extending waves towards you.

"Minho made pancakes, they're still warm." Han smiled and stood up, walking over to you and putting a hand on your head, ruffling your hair softly. You groaned and chuckled, pushing his hand off of you and looking to the side toward the kitchen. Your stomach was growling almost on cue, the scent of maple and pancakes filling your nose.

You looked back to everyone else, scrunching your eyebrows in confusion as not everyone was in the living room. "Where's Chan and Felix?"
You looked back up to Jisung, tilting your head.

"Felix went with Changbin to the store, Chan's in the shower." Jisung hummed and ran his fingers through his hair, looking around before shrugging and looking back down at you.

You made a sound of realization, nodding, "Ah, okay...headed to the studio soon?"
You smiled and looked at the fact that all of them had their shoes on, raising an eyebrow with a tiny smile.

"Yeah we're just waiting on Chan." I.N leaned his head back to look at you for a moment before looking back at his phone, chuckling a bit before sighing heavily,
"Why's he so slow today?"

"Come on, cut him some slack, elderly need more time." Seungming got up and put his phone in his pocket, putting a hand on his hip. You gasped and stifled a laugh, shoving Seungmin's shoulder and rolling your eyes, putting a hand on his back and pushing him towards the door.

"You go on ahead, I'll tell him to get going." You chuckled and motioned everyone towards the door, nudging my head towards the door too. You went over to Jisung since he was away from the door the most and walked him over.

"Make sure he has his walker alright?" Seungmin yelled over the soft conversation in the room, a mischievous smile on his face. You stuck your tongue out at him, flipping him off in retaliation, speaking in a firm tone.
"Seungmin. Quit it~"

"Come with Chan, we'll be in the practice room basically all day. You can watch us." Hyunjin put his arm on your head, resting against you with a sincere smile. You gasped and groaned again, pushing him off of you and crossing your arms.

"Can I? Will your managers even allow it? Shit do they even know me?" You got rid of your annoyed expression, genuinely curious. Minho already confirmed that you were going to be with them while they were recording their m/v, but going to their studio? Who knows someone might see you and force you to go train...

"We'll all vouch for you if they don't, plus, it's just a practice day, there aren't going to be droves of staff, don't worry." Hyunjin put his arm around your neck, grinning with a cute expression, it made you smile, getting rid of your anxiety about the whole thing. You smiled brightly, pinching Hyunjin's side gently, shoving him towards the door too.
"Thanks Hyunjin, now get going!"

He made a sound of suprise, taken aback by your eagerness to get them out of the house. Hyunjin shook his head and smiled back before opening the door, waving and laughing, "Bye Noona!"

You smiled and waved back, watching as they all walked out and closed the door. You sighed and smiled, crossing your arms comfortably before humming in suprise, the shower had turned off.

You didn't mean to rush everyone out so fast but, who knew the next time you'd get to he alone with Chan? Your boyfriend. Having a few minutes with just him in the house was a chance you couldn't pass up, if not to show affection, then to just talk about what happened last night. You went over to the door, tapping your knuckles on the bathroom door. "Channie-Hyung you done?"

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