Prep Time

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After about 30 minutes, the boys finally agree to start cleaning, since they knew it would be hours before Y/n and them came back. Jisung, Lee Know, and Changbin were tasked with figuring out accommodations for her while the rest were cleaning the living room.

"Hey, Hyunjin?" Chan sat down on the couch and motioned for Hyunjin to join him, putting the large trash bag he had to the side.

"Hmm?" Hyunjin sat down beside his hyung, already in a pretty sour mood, being forced to clean the temporary dorm up for a girl they just met. But looking at Chan made some of that go away.

"I know you'd rather not talk about it, but Y/n. Why do you seem so standoff-ish?" Chan reached out for Hyunjin's hand, but he tugged it back to cross his arms. He bit the inside of his cheek and looked down, a mixture of emotions swirling in him like a hurricane. "C'mon, Hyunjin. If there's a problem, tell me." Chan scooted closer to him and out a hand on his shoulder, leaning into his peripheral. He knew something was up and he wanted to badly for Hyunjin to tell him, he was their leader, someone they could confide in. So why couldn't Hyunjin spill like he had so many times before.

"I...I don't wanna go back to having 9 people in here...not yet. What if...what if you're wrong. What if she leaves you...?" His arms tightened into a more anxious posture, looking at Chan with an expression full of fear and anxiety.

"Gah, Hyunjin. It's not like that. She's not him. She's a good person I know it, and if you cant believe that, then believe that she has no where else to go." Chan instantly felt guilty, he couldn't admit that the timing of all of this could be a lot better. But what could he possibly do to fix that?

"You don't know that. She came from a horrible family, that much I know, what's keeping her from treating us like that. How do you know she doesn't think that, that's what love is." Hyunjin pushes his elder away from him, standing up and running his hands through his hair, sighing as his emotions settle on one, anger.

"You guys are already so accustomed to her, but yet you don't think about what could happen. Once we go back, what's it then? A stay that knows us personally? That once the rest of stay find out they won't rip to her shreds? You wanna bring her with us as what, a friend? Do you really think JYP is going to allow that?!" He throws his hands up in anyway to accentuate his words, scaring Felix with this upcoming argument so much that he went into the other room. The rest already hearing this argument brewing.

Hyunjin scoffed to himself and turned around to face Chan, who was getting frustrated. "You're supposed to be our leader, and yet you'd risk our images and career for a girl who had a few scratches and a mean brother?!"

"HYUNJIN." Chan snaps and yells at the top of his lungs, loud and rough, it made Hyunjin, and the rest of Stray Kids, jump in fear. Chan's head fogged up with rage, hearing those words come for somebody he held so dear to him already. Especially her brother, because he could recall that moment with perfect clarity, down to the feeling of her skin on his. It was the first comforting moment he had in a while, and Hyunjin was not going to undermine it no matter how hard he tried.

"What makes you think you can talk like that. Maybe you would be more open to this poor woman if you'd stuck around long enough to hear why she came to us." Chan sneered and pushed Hyunjin's shoulder, completely blind to the tiny members peeking out from behind the wall, because normally he would've talked to him calmly by now.

"She went anywhere because she was desperate." He was scared of him after he yelled yeah, but Hyunjin still wanted his voice heard, and one scream wasn't getting him to change his mind so easily.

"SHE WAS ABUSED. HYUNJIN. How could you call her a girl with a few scratches when her whole body had not one spot unstained by her fucking family." Chan didn't know what to do with his body, entangling his fingers with his hair and walking around the room after he spoke. He was enraged, yet so solem. Your problems weighed down on him as if they were his own, that was just the kind of person he was.

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