First Night

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Your fears and anxiety.

You tried putting them off when they started asking about where you were going to sleep. Even more so when Chan asked if you needed anything else.

But your mind, after being manipulated and tricked for so long, thoughts of going back plagued your every waking moment. All you wanted was to be asleep in your bed, stuffed animals surrounding you. Maybe if you were lucky, Ssamiji would be in a good mood and was willing to cuddle you to sleep.

But you have to remember what Chan said.

"We need to get you out of that house, you can't just go back there."

He was in a seemingly loving household of friends, he would know better than you. He must he the head of the house or something along those lines, either that or that one guy that was more buff than the others. They seemed so mature and compassionate, so willing to help you.

But in the middle of the night, while everyone was asleep, all you wanted is for everyone to dissappear. You tried to contain your sobs into a pillow, but it was dead silent, anyone could hear you if they woke up. All you wanted to do was slip away.

You were curled up, screaming into a pillow as the darkest parts of your mind run rampant. Your hands were cramped up from how hard you gripped onto your pillow, your face tingled from the amount of tears running down your cheeks. You had kicked your blanket off as all of your senses were terribly enhanced, just the feeling of the fibers in the cloth felt like they were burning you.

You froze. A sound from the hallway alarming you as you tried desperately to calm your breathing. A door opened, and footsteps got louder until they stopped at the kitchen. Harder and harder you pressed your face into the pillow and couch to make sure whoever was in the kitchen didn't suspect anything.

"Hmm?" Whoever was in the kitchen must have good ears, because after he opened the fridge door, he quickly closed it, silence for a moment before more footsteps.

"Hey, are you still awake?" You felt him lean on the couch, but since it was still dark he couldn't really tell. To not sharply inhale, you've been holding your breath ever since he came out of the room. You were running out of breath, still crying, so you were forcing to start breathing again, and with that the tears came too.

"Oh my something wrong?" He rushed over to you and sat down at your feet, putting a hand on your leg. You look up, not being able to see him clearly due to your tears, all you could tell was that he turned on the kitchen light. Frazzled and caught off guard, you threw yourself into his arms, breaking down again and grasping onto his chest.

You tried your best to calm down, and after a few minutes you eventually did. Wiping your eyes and scrunching up in his lap, "I'm sorry...sorry, I'm...overreacting." You look up at him and finally get a good look at the man that was holding you.

"No, just calm down." Changbin wiped your cheeks with his thumb and put his arms around you, making you feel protected and safe, you started to feel better.

"I'm so sorry, I've already brought down your day..." Changbin smiles and shakes his head, bringing you up closer to him, "Don't think like that, c'mon. Tell me what's wrong." He turns you so that you're facing him, cupping your face with his hands which immediately made you feel protected, his soft and delicate fingertips brushing against your skin.

"I'm sorry, back at home the only thing my brother got me were stuffed animals. I always slept with them, and so to not have them makes me miss him. I can't sleep without them." You put your hands over his, leaning into his warm touch. It was weird, he almost made you feel better instantly, such a warm embrace. The safest you've felt ever since you've gotten here. Changbin's smile dropped a bit and his looked to the side, biting the inside of his cheek before getting up, putting you in his spot, "Stay here for a moment, okay?"

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