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"Chan-hyung should still be at his studio..." You mumble to yourself and stuff your spare jacket into your bag, looking into the mirror at your dongsaengs laying on the floor. It was late, at least 11, and you'd spent the last 3 hours straight practicing on choreography alone.
"I'm gonna head out now, see you later!"

"Now? Isn't it a bit early for you?" One of your friends got up from the floor, heavily breathing and leaning on the counter with a breathy laugh.

"Yeah but...check-in's are tomorrow and I need some sleep, I haven't been getting enough." Slinging your backpack across your shoulder, you smile at her and look at her from the side, solem as you look upon the JYP trainee room.

"You could say that for all of us, well, goodnight Unnie!" She laughs softly to herself and holds onto your hands, pulling you into a warm hug, only making you feel more tired.
"Night Lily."


You walk down the dimly lit hallway, leaning against the doorframe of Chan's studio, tapping your knuckles in the door. "Channie-oppa? You in here?"

"Bang Chan...?" You repeat his name as there's no response, hesitating before taking ahold of the doorknob, peeking into the quiet room.

"Oh." Your face folds into a wide, loving, smile, rosy warm cheeks at the squishy puffball on the couch. Passed out under his jacket with a miscellaneous soundboard on the floor next to him.

You quietly close the door behind you and sit on the very edge of the couch, putting your hand on his back. "Chan-hyung?"

He didn't respond, moving around to pull the jacket closer to his face. You couldn't help but coo at his squishiness, pushing aside the soundboard to kneel infront of the couch, crossing your arms and laying your cheek. "Hey there sleepy boy, c'mon, don't wanna spend all night in here." Your motherly tone and soft pinching of his cheeks finally pulled Chan at least a bit you of his sleep. "Y/n?"

"Good morning there bubs. How long have you been here?" You grinned and leaned back, ruffling his hair as he looked around with a groan, puffy eyes scrunched up and pink.

"It's morning?!" He abruptly sits up with an alarmed tone, scrunching his eyebrows down and looking around for his things, very much still discombobulated.

"No no, but it is midnight. The last thing you need is to be sore, sleeping on a couch isn't helping. How long have you been here?" You rub his arms to soothe his distressed form, sitting onto the couch where there was now space, pulling him to lean against you.

"Mmm...since 2 in the morning." He sighed contently and crossed his arms, moving the jacket on his lap to drape it over your shoulders. Despite the cute action, you realized what he was doing. He always lost track of time when producing, and without the reminder of Han and Changbin telling him to take care of himself, it was too easy for him to neglect his needs.

"Chan. C'mon, I'll call Minho to pick us up." You got worried and frustrated at both his perseverance and lack of self awareness, playing with his hair as you pull out your phone.

"No it's fine...I'll just walk." He looked up at you and shook his head, stretching out his legs with a long groan, naturally turning around to lay on his stomach and hugging your waist.

"No you're not. Because once you get home you're going to bed." You pushed the strands of hair out of his face, running your fingers through his hair and combing softly through the tangles that had formed.

"Can we share?" He looked up at you again with wide eyes and a slight hopeful smile, his strong arms giving a tiny squeeze to your waist.

His clingy, sleepy nature made you smitten, not being able to say no to the squishy dumpling face on your lap. Chuckling as you rubbed his cheek, "Sure."

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