Meeting |☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

480 8 3

May 30th, 6:30pm

"Listen...we're getting nowhere now. Let's just head back." Changbin groaned and leaned back in his chair, completely exhausted from the over 12 hours of strenuous work and moving to various studios.

Chan held his head in his hands, letting out a heavy sigh, eyes boring onto the keys of his keyboard."We should...but we still need to-"

"Chan. Lets go home." Changbin used his rough tone, leaning against the wall as the weight of eyestrain laid on him heavily.

"Fine." Despite wanting to stay, needing to get the comeback finalized soon, every aching atom in his body, plus the add on of his dongsaengs waiting on him and the possibility of seeing Y/n. He gave up.

"It's Noona's halfday, she should be home by now, I'm really craving one of her and Felix's brownies." Jisung chuckled to himself, pushing up out of his chair and stretching with an elongated groan.


3Racha came back home, fully anticipating a loving greeting at the door as always, yet the house was dead silent. On a day like this, her sweet voice was one they wanted to hear throughout the house. Calling out to them as they split down hallways.

"I didn't expect you to be back so early! How about I make something you guys look exhausted."

Han could almost hear Y/n with how much he wanted her there, yet dead silence. She always said where she was going, expecting the same from the members. But the last thing anyone knew was that she was home, had something bad happened? They all silently split up across the house to search, hearing inaudible talking coming from somewhere in the house. Changbin walked down a hallway where the voice was getting louder, now being defined as not talking, but crying.

He led all of them to the bathroom where the crying was at its source, everyone a bit hesitant to open the door, afraid of what might've happened to their Y/n.
"Noona?" He softly tapped his knuckles against the door, hearing her cries abruptly stop and turn into trembling breaths.

Han pushed past Changbin and opened the door, gasping in shock and fear as they laid eyes on Y/n on the ground. Hands entangled and clenched into her hair as she dug her face into the hard floor.

"Oh my god Y/n-!" He rushed down and put a hand on her back, mind beginning to fill with panic, "Did something happen?"

"Please just go..." She barely spoke, getting those few words out between heaves of air and tears. Tensing up as 2 more hands found their way rubbing her back, not wanting anyone there with her.

"What's going on?" Chan leaned down next to her ear and whispered, brushing hair out of her face wherever he could.

"I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE." Y/n sobbed into the floor, jaw clenching as she tried her best not to scream, ears blaring with static and white noise, blocking out her entire vision as she was forced to squeeze her eyes shut, overwhelmed. "The training, harsh words, judging looks, weekly weigh-in's I can't take it...I don't wanna go home..."

"I just want things to go back to the way they were in L.A." The conditions at the trainee building reminded her too much of home, and experiencing it everyday most of the day, was it any better than just being there? The pressure and constant uneasiness she felt everytime she was alone in the trainee building was a negative reminder of the things she experienced already.

"Noona I'm sorry love, we all know it's hard, especially for you. It's unfair the amount of overworking you're being forced to do, if we had our choice you wouldn't have to." Jisung softly guided her hands away from her ears, stopping her from digging her nails into her skin. He desperately looked over at his hyungs for advice, help with soothing their beloved Noona.

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