Suprise |☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

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Seungmin had gotten up early, checking the weather beforehand to be greeted with a perfectly warm day and clear skies. An invitation for him to take out his Polaroid, a longing for the flowers and plants outside urged him to get up early on his day off while the members were knee deep in their comeback. Only after he'd ran through half a gigabyte of memory on his camera was he satisfied enough to head home.

He knew the house would be empty once he came back, most of the members at various studios and I.N still in Busan for a few days. The energetic and loud atmosphere was something Seungmin lived in most days, yet the loud silence only broken up by him was a welcomed one.

"Hmm?" He perked his head up from his phone, looking back over the couch at the slight voice that came from the last room on the left, Chan and Minho's room. Yet it didn't sound like them and again, no one was supposed to be home, not to his knowledge. Seungmin curiously got up and made his way to the room, the door Mifflin the now feminine sounding voice.

"Noona? You in here?" Min called out. Y/n was supposed to be at practice, she said she was going in for extra practice with Lilly and some others. Yet his shot in the dark proved to be accurate, Seungmin opening the door to see the girl laying on her stomach kicking her feet while drawing, humming a tiny tune.

At the sound of another voice, Y/n's head popped up, her eyes widening as she gasped and smiled brightly. "Seungie!" She greeted sitting up on her legs and giving him an excited wave, her voice high pitched and innocent.

"Noona? What's going on?" He questioned, entering the room and sitting down on the edge of Minho's bed and crossing his arms, wiping his mouth with his hand, fidgeting. Y/n sat up fully and patted her coloring book, a coloring book specifically for children.

"Seungie colow with Y/n!" She squealed, her body language confusing Seungmin as to whether or not her words was a demand or a request.
"Okay...what are you coloring?" Either way, he didn't want to seem like an insensitive jerk, gso he sat on the floor next to her and put his chin in his hands, looking down at her scribbles of color over the yellowed page.

Y/n giggled and kicked her feet, pushing a pile of crayons near him before plopping back down on her stomach, gripping a red crayon tightly in three fingers to color in a cherry. "Ice cweam cone, Minnie like ice cweam?"

" cream is good on a hot day." Seungmin strained out, rubbing the back of his neck nervously with his palm, looking away from her gaze towards the window. Why the hell was Y/n acting like this, it was weird....weird as in new and unfamiliar. She was the kind of girl to not y'know...color and talk so...childish. Sure she was playful but Y/n was still in her twenties after all.

"Hot out?" Y/n piped up again, following Min's gaze to the window curiously as if to see what ue was looking at, catching Seungmin out of his questioning thoughts. It was getting to be summer again, so Y/n was just speaking her thoughts aloud, pointing out the obvious. "Minnie?"

"Yes Y/n?" Seungmind muttered, still distracted in his thoughts a bit as he tore his gaze away from the window and back to reality, blinking heavily a few times before looking down at Y/n.

"Y/n wata..."

"Water? You want water? I-I'll get you water, stay here okay?" He mumbled, walking out of the room with his features scrunched in confusion and shock still at the distinct switch in Y/n's personality. As he got down a cup and filled it with water he was zoned out, lost in thought and distracted at just how shocking this whole thing was. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down and think rationally.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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