
545 16 1

March 4th 10:00pm

You all pile out of the cars you've been stuffed in, stepping onto the asphalt with a loud groan as you'd been freshly woken up. You hoist your bag up onto your shoulder and rub your eyes with the balls of your hand, blinking rapidly to clear out your vision. Taking a second to look around, spinning around slowly as you took in the difference in scenery, still the horizon view of a bustling city, yet so many architectural differences were thrown out at you."Listen I know I'm seeing all of this for the first time, and it's beautiful but...oh my shit I'm so tired." You crouch and hang your head inbetween your knees, feeling the weight of jetlag and exhaustion crushing you whole.

"Just set your stuff down Noona, crash in Hanji's bed." Jeongin came up behind you and ruffled your hair, sitting on his suitcase beside you. You groan and sigh, looking back to see Jisung hobbling over exhausted. An endeared smile grows on your face as his round, puffy, chubby cheeks peek out from his largely oversized fuzzy hoodie, sweater paws and messed up hair. All of it made you blush inside, feeling warm and fuzzy, dying to give him affection despite your own tired body. You get up, rubbing I.N's head on the way over to Han, coming up behind him and putting your arms tightly around his waist, his slim waist being padded by the soft fabric.

"Hannie~, are you tired?" You cooed at him as he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck as he leaned back against you, puckering out his lips.

"Is little Hannie tired? Can I sleep with you tonight?" Your hands rubbed his sides, slipping under his hoodie to feel his soft, warm skin under yours. Slender waist and hourglass shape molding your fingers as they moved up and down tenderly, warm bare skin coming into contact with your fingertips as his shirt started to ride up. Jisung's eyes widen as a soft gasp escaped between his lips, hands flying to stop your own from moving any further, just barely grazing his abs. You peer over his shoulder and give him a cheeky grin, blowing him a kiss before slipping your hands out from under his clothing, going back to warmly hugging him.

"Come on children, you have to carry your stuff in." Minho walked past the both of you, rushing to take his bags in as quickly as possible, longing to just pass out immediately if it wasn't for you and Han.

"But it's so heavy, I'll just leave it out for tomorrow." You rest your cheek on Han's shoulder, giving Minho the best pout you could manage, feeling Han's now padded tummy as he holds his breath. Tips of his ears dusting pink with blush.

"Then what're you going to change into? What about in the morning when it's cold?" Minho stopped walking and looked back at you 2 with a judgemental look, pings of jealousy at the sight if you getting so comfortably warm with Han out in the open, questioning what position he'd like to be in more.

"Mmmm, I steal from you guys." Despite not wanting to, you disconnect from Jisung's warm frame and walk back over to your 2 suitcases, pulling them slowly behind you to where Minho was waiting for you.

"Not gonna cut it, c'mon." He laughed quietly to himself as he put an arm around your shoulder, leading you in first to the house and leaving Chan to handle the rest of the sleepy, complaining kids. Truly like a family. You look down at the ground as he lead you to the entrance, feeling his hand tenderly yet so strongly grip onto your shoulder, rubbing comfortingly as he pulled you closer to him still. Only letting go to unlock the houses front door, grabbing ahold of your wrist silently, interlocking your hands naturally as he only waited a minute for the rest of the members to catch up.

You set eyes on the large house, first impressed on how it looked so similar to the apartment back in L.A, like it was built just for them. Then looking to the floor walkway, seeing the landmine of various shoes belonging to every member, one thought owing into your mind.
"It's so crowded in here, you sure I'll fit?"

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